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Wifi automatic connexion?

Can anyone suggest me a software that makes my computer connects automatically to a WiFi network (I have several installed) with stronger signal that the one I would be using? I am running on XP. Thanks.


I know that when I connect to a WiFi windows will save the information and connect automatically to that WiFi. But if the signal gets weak and there is another with stronger signal, Windows does not change to that one :)

2 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    When you connect to a WiFi windows will save the information and connect automatically to that WiFi. No third party software is needed.

  • choy
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    hi Matt, attempt utilising a diverse channel on your router. variety 192.168.a million.a million (some routers have a diverse address, run IPCONFIG at command instant and examine default gateway) on your browser to get entry to your router's config web site. Then in protection settings detect the channel tab. Play with the settings to confirm which one appropriate works for you. desire the information helps.

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