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What does this mean? (it's in english)?
Hello, I'm argentinian and I'm not an expert with English. There's a song called When The Trickster Starts A-poking (by Gogol Bordello) and I don't understand one of it's sentences.
It says: "Shall I be classic self-crasher, or be a good flasher?"
What does flasher mean? If you like, you can look up for the lyrics, because maybe the word depends on the context, I don't know. That paragraph is about a guy who's driving very drunk.
And self crasher, is the same as self-destructive?
I'd be glad if you tell me, thanks!
2 Antworten
- K O N A NLv 4vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
When someone "flashes", it usually means they show their behind or their private parts in public. This is related to drunkenness because when some people are drunk, they can often do silly things like "flashing" people.
Same goes for car crashing. A common cause of car crashes is drunk driving, with the drunk driver the cause of the crash. This is why the lyrics refer to "classic self-crasher".
Hope I helped!
- vor 8 Jahren
Puedo ser clasico, o chocar de lo borracho que esta, tropezar sin mirar a donde va. Y un flasher es
un borracho que no tiene escrupulos y exibir sus partes privadas.