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Can I distribute a questionnaire in public?

I am doing my PhD in Psychology at the moment and need more participants. I dont want to use just students at my university, so I was thinking if I could distribute my questionnaire at a shopping mall in London. But I dont know whether I need permission to do so from the mall or other public service?

If someone can give me some advice in this direction I would be really grateful!

4 Antworten

  • Jon
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You can distribute a questionnaire in a public place proivided you do not cause an obstruction in the process.

    However an enclosed shopping centre will probabably be private property (e.g. if it closes at night and is locked up, showing there is no right of public access). If it is private property then you need to obtain the owners permission to use it for purposes other than accessing shops.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    If you are standing on private property it would be good manners to inform the owners first. I am sure they wont mind,but you really should ask.Thats my view. Why not go outside on the public street?

  • vor 9 Jahren

    If it were me , I would call up the City Of in the phone book and get the direction to get this down.

  • I am almost 100% confident you can indeed. In the same way companies and PR firms conduct market research like this. I'd also say that your teacher wouldn't set you out on a task if it required lost of red tape crossing..

    I had to do lots of surveys for Geography and Archaeology and had no issues.

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