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Lv 7
Daniel fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

What do Conservatives really believe?

Is it really in a smaller government or no government? Is it in poking it's nose in every bedroom? Is it in just less taxes for the rich? You do realize that as to states rights that was tried under the Articles of Confederation and failed which is why we have the Constitution.

8 Antworten

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    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    OK, you've listed all the false stereotypes held by liberals about conservatives, and false facts about our history, and only now you wonder if you maybe wrong about us?

    We believe in the limited federal government that was created by the Constitution. It was limited in its powers, but supreme in those it was given. We do not believe in the expansion of power as supported by today's Democrats (heirs to yesterday's progressives). Our belief is consistent with the people who founded this country, who based this radical idea on the fact that throughout human history, the size and power of the government is always inversely related to the rights and liberty of the individual.

    Government is necessary, but it is also a source of danger.

    Ah, the absurd belief about privacy. Think about where the actions of abortion and same-sex marriage occur. Are those performed in the bedroom? Or in more public settings? Marriage is a public-square type event. Abortion occurs in a medical office. Nobody is forcing a woman to engage in activities that were physiologically designed to result in pregnancy - they chose to engage in such activity (very few exceptions), knowing full well that it was designed to create babies. So was the decision to have a baby made when they engaged in the activity or after it was successful in its intended result?

    Same sex marriage is also not a concern about what liberals choose to put up their anuses. It's about creating a right to marriage between people who have never had this right in history. Making such a radical change in the definition of marriage could have long-term ramifications on society. It certainly will be used by trial lawyers to destroy the lives and businesses of anybody who doesn't kowtow to the new gay lifestyle. If you think about it, legalizing same-sex marriage will be the basis of many lawsuits against any and every person or institution that doesn't agree with it. You'd have to be foolishly naive to believe that won't happen (or that it hasn't happened).

    Nobody is advocating less taxes for the rich. If you understood economics, you'd realize that raising taxes on the rich hurts them far less than it hurts the non-rich. Even Obama's economic advisor, Christine Roehmer, published an economic treatise that showed for every dollar taken out of the economy in taxes, GDP decreased by more than one dollar. And it isn't the rich who are hurt when economic growth (and thus job creation) slows. It is the lower and middle classes who are hurt.

    Your belief about the AoC is incorrect. You should slap the teacher who failed to educate you on this. The problem with the AoC is that it gave the states too much power and none to the Confederate government. The Constitution corrected that imbalance, and gave the federal government the powers that a central government needed to act as the representative of the nation. States rights are about the delineation between the powers authorized to the federal government, and those RESERVED for the people and the states. It was important enough to the authors of the Constitution to add it into the Bill of Rights.

    I hope that clears up some of the blatant misconceptions you have about conservatives.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Well we can't really use bullet points here so I'll do my best. Is it in poking it's nose in every bedroom? I'll just go with my own observations here. I have never seen any conservatives in any ones bedroom other than their own. Please report any instances that you have of this. Please refer to even one news item in the history of the world of this.

    Is it in just less taxes for the rich? Looking at the Bush Tax Cuts, which are now the Obama Tax Cuts, as he extended them, they give most people a tax break, which will disappear when they sun set on Dec.31,2012. Now if you were to tax the rich as defined in Obama talk no matter where he draws the line at 100% it would pay for the government to operate for 3 months. So brilliant one what will we do about the rest of the year and all of the years that follow. See if the world doesn't end a month from now there will be another year at the end of this one and we will begin that year owing $16,000,000,000,000.00 or divided by the population $50,000.00 a head including the one with your pea brain.

    You do realize that as to states rights that was tried under the Articles of Confederation and failed which is why we have the Constitution. What I realize is that those powers not enumerated to the federal government are enumerated to the States. Even if you don't want to read the Constitution you can copy and paste it to a word processor and search out that phrase. I'm not counting on that.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Actually, the constitution guarantees states rights. The balance between federal government and the states was all part of the discussion early in our history.

    "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    Conservative are not some amorphous mass of people. They are individuals, and I'm sure the answers to your question would vary with the person.

    I favor as little government is is practical. We obviously cannot survive as a country without some form of federal government, but the federal government should not be "poking its nose into every bedroom" by mandating that I pay for someone else's birth control or abortion.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    as a pragmatic libertarian, I vote as a republican. I don't believe we should bother about social issues, I believe in small federal government (as defined in the USC) i.e and my suggestion is you read the constitution, in particular the Bill of Rights, Amendment 10.

    As originally intended, the federal government, was founded to allow for unfettered interstate commerce, "National Defense", Since the era of the progressivist in the later part of the 19th century and early 20th century, we've changed these ideas to consider national defense as defending economic interests abroad, and the term general welfare to include social issues.

    I personally think we got way off track to the tune of 16 trillion dollars in spending debt, and nearly 120 trillion dollars total debt that includes money owed for entitlements.

    I don't believe we can easily back away from all this. But fiscally we may soon be forced to.

    We see politicians win elections based on what they can do to take from one group/class of people saying they will give to another, all while only fattening their own pocketbooks.

    Government does serve a purpose, no government is anarchy. Government serves to meet "the common" good. (as in the small R republican sense).

    That in my view is real conservatism.

    Modern conservatives, have taken on the mantle of social controls, (as have the democrat, progressives) they just differ on what to control, dem/progressives control behavior as well. See Bloomberg's ban in large drinks and hi caloric diets, gun control, excessive controls over production, of various forms of energy, mining, etc, etc. So blaming social controls on conservatives is a straw man,

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    We believe in a "manageable" government, not spending 7 trillion in four years, not having 47 million on welfare and claim it's a good thing, not haveing 16 trillion in national debt, defending our nation, not punishing people and create a false class warfare because people work hard to succeed, not dividing our nation by claiming racism everytime someone disagrees with us, not dividing our nation by dividing our racial groups to get their support, not alienating our allies while patting putin on his leg and say "i can be more flexible after the elections", not haveing the government in our bedroom, schools and dinner tables, not telling Americans that their heritage offends people therefore you can't wear a "romney shirt"! Not going to Congress with a "my way or highway" attitude, not spending billions on useless "green energy" that is a decade from being viable, not closing over 1000, coal mines and plants putting more out of work on welfare, not giveing Egypt, Syria or our enemies two billion a year!...there is much more but i hopr you get the idea!

    Also: give our opinion without being told we are racist, count this double...i voted obama in 08 but because of this single fact voted romney in 12!

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    They believe in small government - just small enough to fit inside a woman's uterus. They also believe a magical man in the sky will set them on fire if they allow two people of the same sex to sign a contract that allows them certain benefits.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Conservatives believe in preserving the rights and riches of the wealthy. And they believe in screwing the poor.

    They believe in suppressing the rights of women and minorities. They believe in a very small government that creates policies that favor rich white men.And they believe in destroying the environment.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Trans vaginal probes

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