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jadamgrd fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 9 Jahren

Are you ready to do away with the electoral voting?

And let the PEOPLE'S vote count? The electoral college system of voting is out dated. Because of it, We were electing the President of Ohio and Florida. It is time to case it aside. And let the peoples vote count.


@Sanwich every other person sitting in a elected seat in Washington D.C. got there by popular vote.

The Electoral College was also put in place when it could take months to get the votes in by horse riders. Hanging chads not withstanding computers have cut that time down considerably.

Update 2:

I would agree with the revising of "winner take all" In CA. that big hunk of 55 should not all go to one person.

5 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort


  • vor 9 Jahren

    While I agree with the electoral idea of elections, where a group voted by state representatives to represent the population (as the founders intended), I do disagree with the winner take all system of election in 48 states. The reason I disagree with popular is the same as the founders; candidates can buy votes with campaigns and rhetoric, and voters will vote on impulse without sufficient research or objectivity. The electoral purpose was to provide a highly informed group of individuals to vote not on rhetoric or 30 second commercials, but on a highly objective vote representing the people. It is their paying job after all. The electoral college needs to go back to its foundation. Solely popular vote is not part of a republic but of a Democracy, it was popular vote that killed Socrates in Athens in the end. That's what the founders wanted to avoid.

    Quelle(n): The constitution, History
  • vor 9 Jahren

    No, thats the way its been. Kind of hard to change the constitution.

    Where and when are you running and how do you plan to get this massive shift of voting history changed? If it means that much, run for office and make a change.

    Sounds like all talk to me.

    Also, its not a given about the popular vote yet anyway. The difference right now is just over 300K. With the west coast states going blue, the popular vote could still surpass at some point.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    No. While you are correct that everyone but the administration is elected to an office in Washington D.C. was elected by the popular vote, you are not mentioning a very salient fact: Only the administration (i.e., the President and the Vice-President) are elected NATIONALLY. The U.S. is a huge country with a vast and varied population that needs to be sampled regionally and not nationally...or the less populous states will get denied a national voice, every single election.

    I am curious too, how you as a self-professed Conservative, feel about the Electoral College electing a (sort of) Conservative candidate over a (definite) Liberal. Are you willing to take a stand on principle and argue that Hillary Clinton should be the President right now?

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    Nope. Its a part of our US Constitution. It won't be abolished.

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