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George B fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

Does Obama really like and respect our military?

The Democrats try to tell us he does, but his record appears to say otherwise.

Received in today's email from


Friend --

In Monday night's 90-minute debate focused on foreign policy and wars abroad, Mitt Romney failed to mention our veterans even once.

Maybe we shouldn't be surprised -- dismissing veterans is just par for the course for Governor Romney. He didn't mention our troops abroad in his nomination acceptance speech, and when he dismissed nearly half our country as people who see themselves as "victims," that included veterans who are receiving the benefits they've earned.

Someone who wants to be commander in chief should honor and respect the sacrifice our veterans have made, both in word and in deed.

President Obama has consistently put veterans first, expanding their educational opportunities and helping them get the health care and benefits they've earned. He'll continue to fight for all those who served, no matter when or where.

After six years of running for president, Mitt Romney has proven that he just doesn't get it when it comes to America's veterans.


Oh Really???? Remember how in 2000 the Democrats worked to get absentee ballots from Florida servicemen invalidated? Now a similar thing is apparently happening in Ohio, which just might be the state that decides the election. Don't you think that if anyone has earned the right for special efforts to have their ballots counted it is our servicemen? Their own record proves the Democrats do not.

Remember the Fort Hood massacre? Former President and Mrs Bush, on their own, showed up there within hours to give help and comfort as they could. Presdient Obama didn't show up there for about a week.... he was too busy playing golf in Hawaii. From A Soldiers Perspective:

The Obama Administration has refused to call the Ft Hood incident an act of terrorism. They are calling it a "workplace incident," which limits the injury and death benefits to the servicemen and their survivors.

Under the Obama Administration veterans unprocessed disability claims have risen by 179%. That doesn't exactly confirm a concern for our veterans does it?

Who is more likely to know whether or not someone does or does not support the military, those in the top ranks or those in the lower ranks? Have a look at the list on the bottom of this page.

How about former servicemen? They know how they have been treated by Democrats in the past.

Other related info:

1 Antwort

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Absolutely, Obama is no more concerned with the military than he was with the life of our Ambassador, as evidenced by the fact that we have lost more servicemen during his four years than we did under both of Bush's.

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