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Can some one interpert this HYMON word for word in english.?

My greek is not that welll educated ,although i can understand most of it. i would appriciate it if some one with..higher education of greek and folklore ..interpert this in english as close as possible... than you in advance...

ps: one note al though its a hymon to the ending he calls him BACCUSS.. the roman equvilant..why?


Well thank you both ..and es iam aware of the green man..CMV...and the world wide respectives which are associated with fact even in sydney we have a green man..but only in one place ..on the side of the supreme court of australia where all major vile crimes are heard and judged but not the high court ..that is intresting..

airpole..thank you for the other links they are all wonderfull i love ancient hymnos listeing to ancient or kathrevousa greek and also byzantine music..

although airpole now i will give another task and ask you if you know the definition of the BACCHI MYSTERIES..WHY THEY ARE CALLED BACCHI OR WHAT DOES BACHII REALLY MEAN?

2 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    This link has part of the lyrics of the hymn and a short explanation of Pan.

    The whole hymn is rather too long and at the time being time is against me to get down and translate.

    BTW. The name Bacchus is not Roman. It is a Greek word attributed to Dionysus for taking part in the bacchic mysteries.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Cant do that lovey , but I can tell you Bachus is the roman equivalent of Dionysios , God of Booze , and therefore a particular friend of mine !

    I think Pan went straight into the Roman pantheon under his own name , as he represents in both Greek and Roman classic theology as being the master of wild nature , and is of very early origin , right back to the time before agriculture had created permanent settlements and people were still hunter-gatherers , not as primitive as the Australian Aborigines once were , or the San , the " Bushmen " of the Kalahari , but like isolated family clan groups of Plains Indians , the Inuit ( eskimos ) or the Chuchki of North Russia all once were back in the 1800s .

    Humans wished to propitiate the frightening aspects and uncontrolability of wild Nature , and to account for the unexplained .

    Hunter-gatherers wandering through Archaeic Greece would have proceeded from semi-open grsssland pedio plains via wild forest thicket-choked dividing mountains ranges , following animal made trails , to the next pedio beyond .

    Spooky stuff back then , and easy to let your imagination run away with you in a wild and dangerous world , especially if you were on your own for some reason .

    Town dwellers today still fear the silent lonely open spaces and thick woodlands and dark nights outdoors - primitive necessary survival instincts hard-wired into our brains by 12,000,000 years of evolving from monkey-people in a hostile world .

    We are programmed to stay in social groups , to stay within voice contact with each other ( Consider the Mobile telephone ) and to find Public Parkland ( short Grass and scattered Trees ) attractive , because predators will have a hard job creeping up on you in that type of landscape .

    Pan survives ( or rather survived until recently ) in Rural Upland Greece as the " Kallikantzaros " a sort of mischevious and wild Elf / Faun figure .

    In England we have the Green Man , a wild figure with leaves for hair , surrounded by the little animals , birds and fruit + nuts of the Woods - a folk memory of being afraid to be in the Forest - ( consider the Hansel and Gretel childrens story - the medieval " Forest-fear " again )

    Towards pre-Roman time the Green Man appears to have been a Nature Spirit venerated and propitiated to ensure the recurrence of northern European Springtime ,

    and so he got his image included into many English Churches as a Christian symbol for the Resurrection of Christ .

    ( And as the name and image on plenty of Pubs . Well , -- I would know , hmmm ? )

    Is it a Calender accident that we celebrate that Resurrection / Anastasis at Easter , when Spring has just sprung ? I dont think so .

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