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If humans came from apes?

Then why are there still apes?

Now the real question, who feels fully comfortable living in a world where there are still people dumb enough to genuinely think this statement is some kind of falsification of evolution and common ancestry?

I mean, seriously, is there a greater evolution deniers faceplant than this apparently still purveyed strawman?

Cos even with plenty of strong competition, this one has it in the bag as far as I can see.


@ going FTW

and YOU obviously don't know how to read a question before answering it.

@ insloanwetrust

Actually, the false heading aside, there's still TWO genuine questions I posed, which I'd like answers to.

Update 2:

@ David

That's what I thought, but it appears there's currently a large influx of people genuinely making that statement in amongst their other supposes criticisms and falsifications of evolution.

Update 3:

@ captain

See "@ going FTW"

Update 4:

@ Leonard

I have no desire to deny them of their comforting myth, I just think that people THAT ignorant could be quite dangerous and many may actually want to know that the tripe they read on creationist sites is being laughed by anyone with half a brain. Not all clearly, but still many.

Update 5:

@ H

I can't tell if you too are guilty of "misunderstanding" tbh.

Update 6:

@ Dave

No, the ones I've seen lately weren't trolls, they went to a lot of trouble to try and deny evolution and one of the many points was this one.

Update 7:

@ morbo

If only supremely bad musical TASTE was the same thing as being (often willfully) ignorant of verifiable FACTS.

Update 8:

@ H

What's not to get?

Well ANYONE could have used the analogy of "if Americans came from Europeans, why are still Europeans?" but it seems some folk (and I recall I may have been caught out myself in the past) don't read the whole question.

15 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    you obviously don't know how evolution works... read up on it

  • vor 4 Jahren

    there is not a single scrap of unequivocal, middleman (links between the species) human fossil info, interior the abundance of samples so a ways got here upon, to assist the 'theory of evolution'. To counter that subject, evolutionists have 'INVENTED' the "common ancestor" and, regardless of there being particularly no info of this way of creature (that they'd't even describe WHAT it substitute into, without establishing up yet yet another can of worms, not to point provide it a recognition), they provide it because of fact the very perfect info they have have been given (or have not have been given, as is the case!), in a 'comedian e book' attempt to fool the final public into believing that their 'faith' of evolution, jointly with the ridiculous theory of our 'specific' close "courting" with the Ape, is a 'scientific reality'.

  • H
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    I think this may have to do with the environment they grew up around.

    @Captain, if you think evolution is true the answer the question! When you refuse just because someone has a misunderstanding, it just shows you are trying to avoid what you may not be able to answer!

    Respond to your additional detail: From what I remember, some animals evolve differently based on different environment. What's not to get?

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I think we came from an ape species that co-existed with a neanderthal species, they mated and here we are. Neanderthal some how died out ( or maybe that's what big foot is ), and yes apes still exist. But the DNA shared is only like 96% or something, which sounds huge but still leaves a lot of DNA that's not the same.

    Stop worrying about how we got here and and focus on what you will do with your own precious time here.

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    This questions proves that there are many people who are being left behind by the train of evolution.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    I don't think it's used seriously anymore.


    You mean on this site? If so, disregard it, it's almost certainly said to get a rise out of us.

    If you mean in "real life", then.... Well, sh*t. I refer you to Morbo the Annihilator.

    EDIT 2

    Welllll, shhhiiiii- iiittt. To be honest I have no idea why I'm almost trying to defend them. There are plenty of creationist IDiots out there.

    I guess the real answer to your original question is "Not Me". I don't feel fully comfortable.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Creationists don't care about the truth. They only care about their beliefs. Facts don't enter into it. It's not an issue of logic or reason; this is not a matter of the 'head' but of the 'heart'. So long as they won't let go of their 'teddy bear', you can't pry it from them.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Humans are the smartest race, No other criture compares to us. How can we be compared or even say we came from some animal? Athiest are just so confused with Gods work. They keep making up these stupid theories. If you are not a believer stop trying to confuse others.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    Yes we all come from apes now can I have a banana to go with my 2 points.

    I really cant be bothered to educate you on what evolution actually is.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    "I go to extreme measures to make sure I don't understand X. Thus, the fact that I don't understand X proves X is false."


    You're an idiot, Mark.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    "who feels fully comfortable living in a world where there are still people dumb enough"

    I live in a world where Justin Bieber can be a superstar.

    Quelle(n): Apes win.
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