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Atheists discriminated?

I just watched an episode of the american show "30 days" Very interesting because it's produced by the guy from "Super Size me"

He makes- for example, a straight strict religious guy spend 30 days with a gay guy in San Fran. Or, an atheist with christians.

Since I'm an atheist, I was very curious about how americans treat them/ us ( I lived in NYC for 7 years, but never realised how hard it is for an atheist in the US)

They made surveys, and a lot of americans see atheists as people without morals...they see atheists as a threat and intolerant to other beliefs.

Here in europe we do have a ot of atheists and religion doesn't influence our everyday life, like in the US. What are your experiences???


On US $ it says: In God we trust...that means religion is all over and as an atheist you are discriminated, because you are ignored and not seen. They don't care, and think that everyone in the US has to be christian. If not, too bad for you, because politics is influenced by it as well.

40 % of americans would never vote for an atheist politician. That for me says it all.

It doesn't matter if you're a good and decent person. SAD!

I go as far as saying, that this behaviour is not better than some extreme muslims not accepting non believers. Same story!

Update 2:

P.S: For the amusement of my fellow atheists, I recommend:

... and much more of R. Gervais.

No offense to the's just fun!

Update 3:

@ bonniebabexx: You shouldn't feel guilty. I was raced as a catholic, and didn't dare to say anything for a long time, because it is a sin to doubt god. But as I became older, I realised that it is like saying: You gotta believe in me or else...

That is pretty harsh!

I'm a good person and don't need an ancient "rule book" to tell me right from wrong. It's 2012 we have evolved, socially, intellectually and morally...people know right from wrong.

Religions can be helpfull for some people, when they seek guidance, hope, help etc. but too many pick and choose, and the bad apples look for the enemies, like homosexuals, sinners, non believers etc.

We are too smart nowadays and don't need to follow blindly anymore. Stay strong!

Update 4:

@HeartsOnFire: That's so sad! Where does this happen?

10 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I'd say that in the UK if you are openly religious (Christian anyway) you're more likely to be discriminated against, strong religious faith is viewed by many as a delusion over here. Quietly religious though ("yeah I go to church on Sundays but it's not a big deal") seems to be ok.

    Quelle(n): Atheist
  • vor 9 Jahren

    I do feel like it is a bit difficult for me to express my beliefs or maybe lack of them. Because I live in the 'bible belt' or in the south east, everyone around here seems to be strictly Christian. Which is great and everything, but it's kind of obnoxious in a way. When I was in elementary school, grades kindergarten through fifth, the kids that I went to school with were the ones that told me I was going to go to hell if I didn't believe in God and that I was a bad person. So for that, I have never said anything about not believing. Also for a while I wanted to fit in, so told people I was a Christian, but that was also before I even knew if I was really an atheist or not. Now I know, and I now have several very religious friends. I don't know how to tell them I don't believe in a God. I told my best friend. Things are different with us now... It's kind of strange because I'm still the same person I've always been. I want to be able to express what I think without fear that people think I'm a bad person. In all honesty it's really stupid the way people would treat me where I live because all of the people who claim to be religious do not follow their beliefs. Yet I, as an atheist, follow them more strictly than most them. It's really frustrating.

    I also hate how controlled our government is by religion. It shouldn't be that way. The people shouldn't be oppressed yet stamping God all over our money and constitution makes it seem that way. Our laws are written based off of the bible. I find it very confusing.

    But yeah. That's what it's like for little old me living in my part of the country. I'm sure that if you went to different parts of the country it might be a little different but in most places in the south, it's like this.

    Quelle(n): me
  • I don't in real life, but I live in Canada. Actually there was a poll done by IPOS I believe that said the majority of Canadians trust the non-religious over the religious... go fig.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    America is a "young" country that has a culture all it's own. It's not international at all. I'm American and I love my country, but internationally is not. So, people who are different get a lot more attention here than they would overseas. People are getting used to living among atheists. The number of atheists are growing where I live in the South. I don't like it, but I'm being perfectly honest about it.

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I live in Baltimore and in genral in the U.s if a person walks around with an inverted cross on their shirt people think it's the illuminati or some devil worshipping which shows how ignorant many people are.

    Quelle(n): Atheist
  • vor 9 Jahren

    The opposite here in the UK, i'm a Christian but I have to know when I can speak about it.

    School- No

    Church- Yes

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Lots of kids get beat up in school for being atheists

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    If you are an atheist or homosexual in many states, not just the South, you can lose your job as a school teacher.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Where I'm from atheism/secularism is the norm. No one really talks about religion outside of synagogue (and I mean synagogue, not church).

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Minor slights and misconceptions are not discrimination. Discrimination is when you lose a job over a trait, or are denied a service.

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