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werwolf52 fragte in PetsDogs · vor 9 Jahren

If one goes for a walk and a dog (not too little) rushes towards one, is one right if one beats the dog?

with a stick?


if one feels threatened, is it ok then?

or do one have to wait until the dog bites one?

Update 2:

and the person described just walks for himself - without dog!

Update 3:

and the person described just walks for himself - without dog!

16 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    As I reside in England it is important to stay the right side of the law with regard to what could fall within the definition of a weapon and it is legally to use a sturdy wooden walking stick, so take one out with everyday to exercise my dogs.

    How I would respond to a dog charging towards my dogs would initially be the same regardless if the dog intended to attack, bully, be boisterous or be social, sniff and then run off. I step in front of the dog, using the stick in a sweeping motion and tell the dog no in a controlled firm voice.

    To date all dogs have backed away but if a dog kept coming my responsibility it to protect my dog in threatening situations and with that in mind would not hesitate to thwack an approaching dog that intended to attack and not simply be bothersome before it could get a bite in on my dog.

    You would react in the moment to stop a threat, having weighed up the risk and decided standing by and doing nothing it not an option. I would minimize the risk of internal injury or broken bones by not using excessive force, but I would do whatever it took to stop the dog.

    If my dogs cannot trust me to handle situations where there is a threat to its safety, then they would step up and solve their own problems and that I do not want.

    Edit: The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 states that there must be reasonable grounds for apprehension that a dog would injure a person, so with that in mind to be considered dangerously out of control, a reasonable person would have to think in the same situation the person who attacked the dog was acting defensively to protect themselves from harm.

    If a dog rushed towards someone with nonthreatening body language and a person did not stop until they killed or caused serious injury, they would have crossed the line into animal abuse or gratuitous enjoyment in causing harm to a dog, but the owner would also be partially responsible because their dog was not under control at the time of the incident. Breed would also be a factor, as few would believe a Standard Poodle or Labrador would harm a human, but more readily accept the account if it was a Dobermann, Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Rottweiler to name a few.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    No its no ok to bash someone else's dog just because it rushes towards you. It was most likely a lovely dog who's only wish was to play. You should never think that every dog that rushes towards you is going to attack, if this other dog was growling and threatened you and your dog, then the most sensible thing to do is turn around the way you came, if this doesn't work and the dog does attack then yes I would try and fend it off somehow. You must never, ever think that every dog going towards you is going to attack, you will tense up and your dog will get these vibes, who will in turn become and nervous dog. Go and enjoy your walks and if you feel a dog is a threat towards you & your dog turn around a go back the way you came, or demand the other owner put its dog on a leash.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    You are allowed to defend yourself. There is a LOT of grey area.

    ALWAYS before you "beat the dog with a stick" you should holler for the owner to contain it and tell the dog firmly "NO" and "GO HOME" along with crossed arms, avoiding eye contact, and other non-verbal cues for the dog to buzz off.

    The stick should first be used defensively - i.e. fend off the dog - and only if the dog keeps coming should a few well-timed and well-placed thwacks be used to drive it away.

    The goal is not to harm the dog but to protect yourself. Do not pursue the dog when it's had enough and runs away. Do not hit to kill or permanently injure the dog - one good hit under the tail or to the face (not hard enough to cause injury) should send 99% of dogs scrambling.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    If you or anyone ever even attempted to beat my dog with a stick I would beat the sh*t out of you and shove your stick up your ar*se something similar happened before where someone picked my dog up by the scruff of the neck when she was a puppy and threw her to the side I broke the mans nose

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    If it's going to attack you, yes. One good blow to the head will usually send them running off crying, tail between their legs.

    Dogs that will attack humans for no other reason than walking down the street shouldn't be on this earth. If such a dog comes at me, I don't care if it gets hurt. Better it than me or one of my pets. My cat comes on walks with my dogs, I'd beat a strange dog barehanded if it attacked him and never think back.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    One should only beat a dog off with a stick if the dog actually goes to bite one, rushing forward is not exactly lifethreatening is it unless you are a total wimp?

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    One needs to assess the situation based on the actual incident before one lays about with a stick.

  • Ryan
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren

    Only beat the dog if it attacks you.

    My father got bit in the forearm form a Doberman which wouldn't let go and he stuck his thumb in it's eye and gouged it out and it let go straight away. So if ever in that situation I've been taught to do this.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    yes, it's alright if he tries to attack you, but don't hit too hard and try not to hit on the head, try hurting a paw, it won't do much damage and the owner would come to know about it. People should keep their dogs indoors and they will only learn their lesson when their dog gets beaten up

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Ye I think that's defrost allowed, I hate it when dogs run up, it's not that I'm scared of them biting me, it's because I can't stand there slobbery s**t all over my clothes, first thing I do is get my hands up high so they cant be licked, and the owners shout "it's ok just stroke her" the dirty bastards don't notice all that slobber s**t, but they would soon notice if I ran up to them and started spitting on there clothes.

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