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where can i report about very bad customer experience with skype customer support?

6 weeks ago I purchased skype credit via skype app. due to a technical glitch on skype they charged me 3 times. since 6 weeks I am waiting for the refund. it took me so much time, to find out where to adress my complain, write several emails, getting stupid prewritten messages... and now I have received again an email saying it will take an other 2 weeks!!! wtf? where in internet can I publish the correspondence with the worst customer supoort for other customers as a warning... I will never ever buy any skype credit again. pls suggest some links where cosumer can report about their experience.

2 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You can try the better business bureau.

    You need to understand (and I do understand your frustration) that nobody will ever find your post useful. There are sites out there where you can go to complain about any company out there. However, these sites are only visited by people in your position, who want to post an angry comment. So, the people you really want to help will never see your post.

    I get it, you want to vent...but in reality, nobody cares on the internet.


  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Hotmail Customer Support@+1^800^782^3911

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