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werwolf52 fragte in SportsOlympics · vor 9 Jahren

I got an idea to make doping controls (Olympics) more efficient: Why not just check the winner athlets?

If one would just check if the winners are doped, one could save a lot of money and one would make doping less attractive.

For example: If it comes out that the first was doped when he participated at the competition, the second would be declared as the winner.

How about that idea?

1 Antwort

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Erm... every medallist in every event is dope tested; together with random testing approximately 50% of all competitors will be tested during the Games.

    How about this one... let's say your continued sponsorship/funding is conditional upon you reaching the semi finals of the 400m hurdles. What if you miss out on the semis by one place, and one of the athletes who finished ahead of you was a doper? How would you feel?

    Turning it around... let's say your continued sponsorship/funding is conditional upon you reaching the semi finals of the 400m hurdles. What if you don't think you're going to make it to the semis so begin doping in order to maintain your income, safe in the knowledge that while you're going to reach the semis there's no chance in hell of you winning and being found out?

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