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jadamgrd fragte in News & EventsCurrent Events · vor 9 Jahren

Why do stories like this not make National news?

Man carrying a gun ends stabbing spree.

Could it be because the gun was used as a positive force of good by a common citizen?


Poohbear you missed the point. With the current gun control debate heating up, anytime there is a gun use to protect others it does not make news.

Update 2:

Julia, when the 2nd amendment was added the muskets of the day were the same as the military used.

4 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    We ALL know why it didn't make the news..

    Gee too bad the knife guy got stopped, would be better to let him continue - right???

    Too bad someone in the Colorado theatre didn't have a legal gun to put a stop to that one..

    But no guns are bad and we need to banish guns like Mexico has..

    Sorry I will take and stand by the 2nd amendment to keep and bear arms. Our forefathers knew what they were doing..

    All this & I don't even own a gun...


  • vor 9 Jahren

    Who knows why some stories don't make the news?

    But I don't think it's some anti-gun agenda.

    Most people are for the 2nd amendment, but re: Aurora, there is no reason that anyone should able to buy a 100 round magazine. Handguns and hunting rifle? Fine, but semi-automatic machine gun? No. Who needs that? That is not the arms we have the right to bear.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    So you want each and every little crime story published nationwide?

    If they did that, you wouldn't be able to learn about anything else because you'd literally drown in the number of stories about guns from podunk MN, or middle-of-nowhere TX.

  • Vince
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    This story had a happy ending and no one died.

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