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Nitro fragte in Cars & TransportationAircraft · vor 9 Jahren

What kind of transport helicopter would be able to fly from the coast of California to the South China Sea?

9 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    none- unless of course you count on "selfdeployable" SOF platforms in ferry flight configuration.

    due to the distances involved, such self deployment by conventional helicopters would by large mean the requirement to perform some serious maintenance upon their arrival to theater of operations.

    your routing woul take 6000 nautical miles, i.e. 50 flight hours off the service life. nota bene California-> Taiwan shortest routing runs past aleutian islands (google earth) - that's a seriously no-go route, 6000 NM over high seas.

    some time ago, this has been discussed in our AF- self deploying Hips from central Europe to Afghanistan.

  • sommer
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    I often chuckle at those style of questions yet final night I heard the loudest thundering helicopters roaring with the aid of.. I heard them coming from a good distance away and it gradually equipped up. I stay next a a substantial throughway that's generally used as a handbook for plane. I stay in l. a. and that i've got no longer any theory what became into happening. i could wager somebody is going guidance someplace interior the state. and that they weren't information or police helicopters and this became into no longer a classic adventure..often you get 2 helos flying with the aid of yet this became into alot extra then 2 helicopters.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    What for?

    Even with ferry tanks you're not going to get much more than 1500 km at a time, and that's marginal to fly via Alaska and the Aleutians. That also involves some dicey airspace over eastern Siberia.

    I'd charter an AN-124 and put the chopper(s) in it.

    Quelle(n): Common sense
  • vor 9 Jahren

    I love reading replies from people who can't think outside the box. Any helio will be able to do it as long as it has the range to get from an airport in Alaska to an airport in Russia and again to the location around the South China Sea.

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    None, unless you were in a military helicopter with KC-130 aircraft standing by on the entire route

  • vor 9 Jahren

    HH-53 Sea Stallion. It has a refueling probe. Dangerman also gave a good answer as you did not ask if it could do it non-stop.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Well, any, as long as it could fit inside the C-17 or C-5 that was flying it there...

  • Heu... There is fleet of Mil Mi-8 and 3x Mil Mi-2 still in service with Barkol Airlines. While the Russian Авиакомпания Взлет has 8x Mil Mi-8 still in service. The Russian Авиакомпания Взлет still has Antonov An-2 in domestic service....

    Air Regional has 3x de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 300 in its domestic route service with a new fleet of The PAC P-750 XSTOL planned to enter service in 2012 .

  • vor 9 Jahren

    I love people who don't read the questions, Dangerman

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