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Can you help me for my heart's sake?

I have been seeing a certain a girl in a certain place I go to.

I've never talked to her but we've been giving each other eye contact.

I know her name and she knows mine.

I am insanely infatuated about her so I decided to break the ice and talk to her.

But I found out that she stopped going to that place so I couldn't.

I recently found her facebook page so I decided to add her as a friend (I haven't yet).

But if we talk or if I send her a message (this is the question) how do I explain myself to her????

(Like why didn't I talk to her before and stuff like that)

Please don't spare any details.

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    She may think you are creepy or a stalker because you don't say much. I would just do what you feel is right. Send her a message if you like to say hi but it may be awkward for you. As a rule of thumb, do not say anything online you would not say in everyday life.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Because u were shy. She'll understand don't be embarrassed.

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