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Luna fragte in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · vor 9 Jahren

Spain or Portugal, what do you think?

Without going into detailed analysis, I give Portugal a better chance. I’d say 2:1 for Portugal, or penalty kicks. Goals are score from a good interplay, no headers or shots from distance. Spanish aggressiveness will be counteracted by very smart Portuguese strategy. Spain will try the capture the middle of the field and the Portuguese will spread their game over the whole field and drive Spaniards crazy with that.

I base my prediction on the the astrological data below, without going into current transits or degrees, just by kind of feeling the energies of both teams and the day of the match. Can’t wait to enjoy good football.

Spanish national team played the first game on August 28, 1920 Their nickname is La Furia Roja (The Red Fury), appropriate with very intense Mars placement in Scorpio. Scorpio color is black but also burgundy as well. Moon: Aquarius square Mars in Scorpio, opposite Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo – Mars: Scorpio – Jupiter: Virgo

Portugal played the first game on 18 December 1921. Their nickname is are called Os Navegadores (The Navigators), so appropriate for Sagittarius Sun. Moon in Leo (conjunct Neptune) Mars: Libra – Jupiter: Libra

Day of the match: June 27 2012 Moon: Libra – Mars: Virgo – Jupiter: Gemini


4 Antworten

  • Renato
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I sure hope for Portugal's victory. As a Brazilian it's natural to me to root for them. This match is Europe's version of Brazil x Argentina haha

  • orrell
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    Let me click on in a couple of information so that you can verify. A Spaniard travelling in Portugal will likely be understood, get courteous medication and instructions. A Portuguese travelling in Spain gets "No comprendo" even from cops up till s/he attempts the Spanish cadence of speech with Portuguese phrases. Then, magically s/he will be understood. (Dutch and Germans have equivalent incomprehensibility.) Spaniards talk the worst English you may have ever heard. Portuguese typically have a few language competencies, and whilst no longer talking they're competent to fully grasp English, French, Italian. With Brazilians the photograph isn't that exceptional. One or 2 years in the past a few American pilots from AA or anything, crashed a airplane in Brazil when you consider that they weren't competent to fully grasp the (specialists) on the manipulate tower. I as soon as used to be requested to translate the lyrics of CD allegedly sung in English by means of a Brazilian organization, for a Brazilian buddy of mine, and she or he used to be tremendously displeased whilst I advised her they had been making a song phrases however no longer sentences and it did not make a slick of experience. Well, I phrased it with a little bit extra of international relations. Anyway, Brazilians will concentrate to conventional pop and rock from the Sixties and Seventies, no longer with the fashioned lyrics however with a few wiped over regional face (Imagine a few Neil Diamond track however the phrases do not fit). And a Portuguese dwelling there, in 2 weeks will likely be talking dialect, however a Brazilian dwelling in Portugal 20 years later will nonetheless make a factor by way of language that s/he originates from Brazil. Spaniards and Brazilians have this perception that by means of default they're evidently extra "complicated" and cosmopolitan, however you be the pass judgement on.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Spain are alot better than Portugal on paper, however Portugal have probably played better than Spain.

    Still going with Spain to win though. Germany vs Spain final.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Portuga! I'm partly portuguese because my great grand father. It's nice there.

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