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In what country Jehovah God allows blood transfusions ?

According to Jehovah Witnesses' organization

14 Antworten

  • Ken
    Lv 5
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Actually for the first part of your answer "In what country Jehovah God allows blood transfusions "

    The answer will be ALL of them. The second part narrows it down but we have to ask what country we are in because the WT DOES allow it in a couple of countries but I am not able to recall which ones they are. (They allow it because the nation's laws demand it much like Mormons have abandoned their "Biblical laws" to ban polygamy. When GOD' does tell us that we can not do something or we have to do something, we can NOT allow man's laws to interfere but the WT and the Mormons do just this.

    The Watchtower stance on blood is Scriptural inaccurate on several levels:

    1. The Bible refers to eating blood from animals killed for food, not blood transfusions that do not result in the death of the donor.

    2. Paul showed that Acts 15 was only binding when it would result in stumbling (1 Cor 8)

    3. The Rabbinic principle of Pikuach Nefesh (appealed to by Jesus at Mat 12:11) dictates that the Law be superseded if it would result in loss of life

    The Watchtower of August 1, 1995, p. 30. This short article says a lot:

    (1) It is reminding Jehovah's Witnesses that there are "circumstances" [note: plural] when a Witness may have his own blood transfused back into him, and viewed by the Watchtower's Governing Body as "unobjectionable."

    "...the Center for Bloodless Surgery utilizes alternatives to blood transfusions, including the reinfusion of a patient's own blood--a technique that some Witnesses may find unobjectionable under certain circumstances."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    Jehovah's Witnesses definitely do enable their children and household contributors to have transfusions, but best the riskless style. They take delivery of the style of transfusions that should not have skills to intent dangerous diseases comparable to AIDS, hepatitis, or malaria. When there's severe blood loss the greatest want is to restore the volume of fluid lost, plasma volume expanders that contain no blood are utilized by many hospitals to do this when you consider that it's a lot safer than a blood transfusion. Jehovah's Witnesses are actually very up to the moment with scientific therapies and have fashioned a particular relationship with the clinical and science fields which collectively have created cutting-edge systems and surgical strategies which are used by doctors for the period of the entire world. There are even whole hospitals dedicated to doing best bloodless surguries.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The Witness love to twist Scripture around to make it fit their agenda. Take a quick look at Barbra's answer: 1st - Genesis 9:4 4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. Then on to Leviticus 3: 17 “‘This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood. ’” This verse is speaking of the Sacrificial lambs and goats or animals on the alter and the key word here is ANIMALS, so it's their blood. Not human blood. Then in Leviticus 7: 26 And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal. Again ANIMAL BLOOD. No mention of Human blood. And the words EAT the BLOOD. Leviticus 17:10 Again all about eating animal blood.Deuteronomy 12:16 and 23 again dealing with Animals, not human blood. 1 Samuel 14:32, again animal eating of animal and Blood, not human blood. Acts 15:27:29 again speaks of that keep abstaining from blood, by which blood the same blood we are supposedly all along that of the animals blood, nothing was ever stated of human blood in any of the scriptures, all dealt with the animals that were made in sacrifice or the eating of the animal and it's blood. Never mentioned is the eating or ingestion of human blood.

    So according to the Bible it's silent on blood transfusions but according to the Jehovah's Witnesses created religion, well that a whole different story.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren


    Witnesses have the same scriptural requirements regarding "abstaining from blood" everywhere and anyone who unrepentantly continues to reject God's laws have rejected Christianity and are no longer to be considered part of the Christian Congregation.

    Several years ago, because of secular laws in Bulgaria and other countries, JWs made a procedural change for when a Christian willfully disobeys the Scriptural injunction.

    To legally emphasize the fact that someone who unrepentantly accepts blood has *themselves* chosen to no longer be a Witness we do not use the term "disfellowship." Rather we note that *they* have "disassociated" themselves from the Christian community.

    As far as I know this same procedure is true in EVERY country. Those who willfully and unrepentantly accept blood have disassociated themselves and the procedure of disfellowshipping is not applied.

    In Bulgaria this policy was incorporated into a legal agreement which gave the Witnesses governmental recognition as a religion with all the rights of worship.

    Some have misrepresented the agreement and falsely claim that Witnesses can now accept blood transfusions in Bulgaria. But, anyone who says this is blindly repeating a falsehood.

    The Official statement by the WTS has plainly said: "There is no doctrinal change on the use of blood." The agreement was simply that it was a personal choice to accept or refuse blood; which has ALWAYS been true. In fact, Alain Garay, Avocat a la cour, who was part of the negotiating team confirmed that "it was accepted by all sides that the agreement reflected the normal practice within the Jehovah's Witness religion around the world"

    While we have at times changed *how* we obey the Scriptural mandate to "remove from fellowship" willful sinners, the end result is the same. So, the choice to willingly accept a blood transfusion is a choice to no longer be a Witness.

    The prohibition on blood use is a Scriptural doctrine and will never be changed for Christians.



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  • vor 9 Jahren

    In bulgaria, the witness could accept transfusion, as Jw signed an agreement so they will be allowed to operate; but it is just a cover up. The fact is that blood transfusion is a no-no. So, the discreet slaves lied again.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The Watch Tower's jeh hovah is a demonic construct.

    As the "T"almud is a blend of Hebrew and Babylonian beliefs so too is jehovah is a blend of Hebrew and Babylonian.

    jeh - seductress demon of mistresses and prostitutes -from Babylonian.

    hovah - ruin, ill intent(ions) -from Hebrew

    jah is the other form that the Watch Tower reaches is a name for their god. This jah is a blood thirsty murdering demon and one that particularly delights in the ruin, destruction and death of children.

    All a sincere bible student has to do is look up the names and information.

    jah nor jeh hovah allow the leaders to teach that blood transfusions can save their followers lives on any place on the Earth.

    But Bulgaria forced the WatchTower leadership to accept blood transfusions within their borders. To date this is the only political body that has stood up to the murderous leaders of the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society and their false teaching.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Jehovah favors the lives of Bulgarian Witnesses

    If you are a witness in Burbank you will be disfellowshipped for a transfusion

    God is a fickle god

  • vor 9 Jahren

    None. According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, blood transfusions are a total no-no no matter where in the world you are. It is just another case of some sect taking one biblical text out of context and creating their own cockamamie religious dogma out of it.

    I've nearly died twice from bleeding ulcers. If I'd been a JW, the first round would have killed me. Needless to say, I'm not about to become a Witness anytime soon.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Oooh! I know! Pick me! Pick me!~

    Edit: I'm getting rate downs, so I know there are witnesses around somewhere.

    Would this be a country that previously banned the Witnesses, so the Watchtower agreed that members could accept blood transfusions and remain a Witness in good standing?

    Surely all Witnesses must know of this, since Jehovah isn't one to make back room deals that involve breaking one of his sacred commandments, right?


    Where are these elusive Witnesses? They should be here praising this decision and championing their God's name!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Most Jehovah's Witnesses do not approve of the use of medical technology. However, most Christians and Jews who worship Jehovah do think it is better to be made well than to die when it isn't necessary.

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