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Is it common for a toddler to have 3 infections at once?

My granddaughter has been ill. I know its quite common when an young tot gets a virus to have chest congestion, earaches..etc...and it is possible to have 2 infections at once such as ear and throat or ear and chest,but to throw in a bladder infection as well wth?? Anybody else ever had this with their children? Any plausible explanation why a tot would have all 3 at once?? Come on parents - give me your input. I am stumped

3 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If her immune system is down to begin with, she will likely get more infections.

    She is at a young tender age, so her immune system is not built up...and having a bladder infection in toddlers not uncommon.

  • Jackie
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    Yes, like the previous poster said, a child with a lower immune system from one illnesses is very likely to catch a couple more. My daughter went two and a half years without getting a single illness besides the occasional stuffy nose or mild cold. Then she felt warm one day, so I took her to the doctor and she had a bad sore throat, 2 ear infections and pink eye! Thankfully we caught it all very early and she was feeling better in no time, but it's very common to get more than one infection at a time. I hope your granddaughter feels better soon!

    Quelle(n): Mom to a 3 year old and 2 month old.
  • vor 9 Jahren


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