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How do you parametrize a curve?

I have absolutely no idea how to parametrize event the simplest of curves. All the curves I find examples of are idea where one variable will equal a single variable, the parametrization is given, or it's a circle.


Parametrize F(xy)= 2y^3/2 i + 3xsqrt(y) j P(1,1) to Q (2,4)


even the*


Update 2:

Well, the question is how do I parametrize F(xy)= 2y^3/2 i + 3xsqrt(y) j .

1 Antwort

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Do you want us to parametrize the path from P to Q? If so, there are infinitely many paths that cross through both P and Q.

    The problem states that the parametrization is either given or the parametrization is a circle; however, two points are not enough to determine a unit circle (you need three).

    Can you give us a better example?


    You don't parametrize a vector field.

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