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for the politically inerested in the egyptian muslim brotherhood worldwide?

after the egyptian revolution actually even before the revolution the brotherhood has made an all out invasion to have all of egypt's top political positions (parlement...etc) they even left the demonstrators to die in their struggle against the ruler (scaf) for the sake of elections and now they want to go in a demonstration (previousely announced by the real holders of the revolution, those who lost their eyes by gun bullets and their friends' lives in the streets where the brotherhood abandoned them)

under the title of the common goal with the revolutionary groups but they actually want their personal goals instead.

the brotherhood has the parlement, the blessings of the current ruler of egypt (scaf).

how can we get rid of them AND scaf

1 Antwort

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I happen to live in Bahrain currently (American expat). We were in Egypt two weeks before the regime fell. We have several Egyptian friends here, Christian and Muslim. Things are really bad there. What has happened was the people kicked out the government but had nothing to put in it's place. The Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of that. Our friends parents and other family members and friends cannot get healthcare at the moment. Some of their parents are elderly also. They are very concerned and are trying to get at least their parents here.

    I was just in Jordan last week and my driver was telling me that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to get strong there. The majority of the people there are against them.

    Hopefully things can work itself out...Inshallah

    I'm not sure what can be done. Intervention is not something the US can get involved in at this time, the tensions are too great. It is best to let the Arabs take care of the Arabs. That is the best way.

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