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Luna fragte in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · vor 9 Jahren

Aquarians able to turn street lights on and off...?

...just by being near them. I read it in a book somewhere. Just wondering if anyone else has heard this?

4 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I'm an Asparagus and I can change street lights by clinching up my butt cheeks. 1 clinch = caution, 2 clinch = turn arrow, 3 clinch = GO, 4 clinches an a pinch on my "lil Barack" = STOP!! On a good day, 5 clinches and a 3 tone musical fart can lower a drawbridge. That doesn't happen very often.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    I'm a sagittarius and I am able to do that.

    Answer mine:;_ylt=Ak.R2...

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Astrology is just a stupid, meaningless fraud... you'd have to be awfully stupid to believe something like this.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Haha idk. I'm an Aqua and most street lights stay on when I'm near them. Unless I have to consciously will them to turn on/off? Lol

    @ Vulcan - Hmm, what's more stupid: believing in astrology, or spending time on a site devoted to something you don't believe in (just to pick on others)... hmm...

    Quelle(n): Aquarius
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