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Am I alone feeling this way? Do others (liberal or conservative) find it terribly aggravating . . .?

. . . when someone claiming to represent the side in which you believe of an argument writes a bunch of race-baiting comments, statements with poor grammar or spelling or completely fictional assertions?

It drives me nuts and, as much as I love to have people on my side of the battle, I find myself wishing they would have just kept quiet. I think it leads to stereotyping and completely eliminates the possibility of an intelligent discourse. What say you?


Sure, I'm hip to the trolls. There are people that just want to rile others for no good reason other than to laugh and think to themselves, "Look what I started". But there are also well-meaning people that either just don't pay attention to what they are actually saying or are going along with the stereotypes due to a lack of understanding, lack of education on the subject or, sometimes, just because they're merely repeating what their family or friends say.

7 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I don't find many things here worth getting worked up about. Sometimes a swarm of thumbdowns by an internet bank can be kind of annoying because they can thumb down your answer so much it can't be seen. Why even come here at all if you don't believe in free speech?

    What I find *sad* is the all or nothing mentality of most people here. Issues are rarely all or nothing but if you dare to say there are merits on both sides of an argument, both sides hate you for not siding 100% on their side.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    I agree with you 100%. It's a shame that a rational discussion can no longer happen in Yahoo Answers due to all the trolls.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    That's part of why it's not beneficial to choose "sides."

    But, only part. People who like to belong to groups, to feel they're on a team, tend to dumb down their thinking and lose track of objectivity.

    In short, going "party line" every times, leads to lazy thinking, which makes people stupid.

    And, also, makes them very easy to manipulate.

  • Tania
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    yes. of course. however, not everyone on your side (whichever it may be in any situation) can be smart enough to form a real argument. the trolls, well they're "job" is to annoy and aggravate- and they take their "work" seriously.

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    stereotypes exist for a reason......ignoring them is foolish.....i think what you may be referring to are people called @ssholes....

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Those are trolls and evyone knows who and what they are

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Don't even get me started...

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