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Ela fragte in Schule & BildungHausaufgabenhilfe · vor 9 Jahren

Brauche hilfe bei meinem Englisch-Referat -.-?

Sitze seit 3 Tagen nun schon da dran, ist ein sehr wichtiges Thema. Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar, wenn ihr mir ein bisschen helfen könntet. Das meiste habe ich bereits finden und ausarbeiten können nur an zwei Fragen beiße ich mir die Zähne aus...

1) Find definitions of the term "culture". In what way do we use this word?

2) Different cultures on earth- what does this mean for intercultural communication?

sind bestimmt total die einfachen Sachen aber ich komme da einfach nicht weiter.


3 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    <Culture> is a term that is mostly used to describe individual or social ways of

    living our lives: to describe the values and beliefs/convinctions we favour or we

    reject, to describe the features of persons or objects we have around us,

    the level of education we expect and we prefer, but also to describe the sum of our

    traditions, our different ties to the world, and on order to get into contact if needed

    we use our language,verbal or non-verbal. That way human beings differentiate

    themselves from others by levels of culture and cultureal needs,such as music,

    books, sports, and close (or no close) relations to special persons.

    Speaking about different peoples ( -s: Völker ) on our globe, we understand

    "culture" as the sum of their traditions, customs, ceremonies, behaviour, and the vast

    empire of "culture" in a more narrow sense, the field of arts.

    As we wish to be respected by others, including our culture, we owe respect for

    neighbouring people in the same way.Not everyone understands this,but we have

    to see that "culture" is closely connected with education.

    * * *

    Let me add a special aspect: In our time we all are witnesses of forms of a a 'higher'

    and lower "level" of culture that depends on the financial situation of people or of

    their free decision . Many people want to have their special kind of culture:

    "mass culture" ,others feeld not happy at that and prefer "higher culture" .

    Mass culture has become a kind of low cultural standard of behaviour, of education,

    of wanting a standardised level of daily access to TV ,of entertainment and of

    cheap kinds of newspapers. In the long run,I feel, they are the part of a people

    that is easily to govern,even to seduce.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    und wieder ein beweis für den alten spruch: "abends wird der faule fleissig" es gibt aber noch einen anderen- treffenderen- spruch: "replaced into guy morgens nicht schafft, schafft guy abends erst recht nicht"

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