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what means "about you"?

in the book"Oxford Word Skills" you can read on the end of nearly every chapter.

About you and then e.g.Do you agree or disagree or Write your answers....or Answer thequestion..and so on.

I think "about you"means Deine Aufgabe: oder Jetzt bist Du dran.

Do you know this expression?What is your opinion?

2 Antworten

  • Bob M
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I'm sorry. I am English and cannot understand why 'About you' is written. Does it have a question mark (?). It sounds as though it wants you to offer information about yourself but I can't understand why! It doesn't seem to have anything to do with 'Do you agree or disagree' or 'Write your answers' (Where?)

    Is the book printed in England? Although with the name 'Oxford' in its title I presume so - but I really do NOT understand the 'About you' bit!

    Sorry I can't help.

    Good luck!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    wenn ich das jetzt richtig verstanden habe ist das ne seite auf der man das gelernte aus dem jeweiligen kapitel überprüfen kann

    also "about you" würde ich mit "über dich/sie" übersetzten - also dass du oder andere(Lehrer) über dich wissen ob du das verstanden hast oder eben nicht

    villt hilfts dir^^

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