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Why are men more interested in the other sex than women?

I got the impression.

for sure there are some reasons (maybe biological reasons?) for that


so the (deeper) reason for sexual activity is, that men want to have children, i guess;

but i think that women should also want children!?

5 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The brain biology between men and women is such that we are almost different species.

    I am NOT exaggerating...

    Testosterone is a perception altering drug that, literally, distorts the male's ability to think clearly and alters their brain development to the point where there are fundamental differences in the structural development of men and women.

    Male brains are driven to seek sex and novelty... Meaning, they want to hump ANYTHING and are sexually stimulated by sight. This is why guys are into porn and there's nothing anyone could ever do short of neutering all males before puberty to stop it.

    For men, sex is an autonomic spinal reflex... Meaning... A man could be standing in front of his dead mother's casket at her funeral and if a chick got under the casket and gave him oral, he'd still be able to achieve orgasm.

    Men are 90% visually oriented, 10% "Other" like education, sense of humor, personality, etc. while Women, on the other hand, are biologically hardwired to be sexually aroused by much different things and are 90% "Other" oriented and 10% visually oriented.

    An ugly chick can only alter her "Number" or "Rating" so much while an ugly guy can go from a 0 to a 10 by getting a better education, a better job, a better social position, more wealth...

    It's been studied and women can't differentiate, on average, between a man's LOOKS and their Status, Wealth, and Position. Their "Number" is a combo of EVERYTHING and the way that a woman sees him as SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE is the result of his WHOLE BEING.

    Doctor Drew and Adam Carolla went on a talk show a few years back and the women hosts were unable to comprehend that PHYSICALLY, these two men were not 8 or 9 on a scale of 10.

    Adam Carolla isn't a very attractive man yet they rated him as an 8 because he's famous'ish, wealthy, confidant, etc.

    If you could go back and talk to his girlfriends while he was just a carpenter, they'd call him a 5... But add wealth, success, etc. and suddenly he's up to an 8.

    All a chick can really do is get plastic surgery to change her number...

    Women are hardwired to find STABILITY AND PROTECTION for her and her offspring. Men are looking for hot chicks to hump.

    Then we get into the Novelty Factor. There's a reason why men married to the hottest chicks on earth still cheat... A woman with a "Perfect" man is content but a man with a "Perfect" woman still needs to look at other women, no matter how hot his mate is.

    The man with the best, happiest, emotionally and physically fulfilling relationship will never stop looking at porn.

    This is because his brain his hardwired to seek novelty and that novelty means "Porn Chicks On The Internet".

    FMRI Studies show that when men look at erotic images, their brains light up like the 4th of July while women's brains light up IDENTICALLY when involved in emotionally deep conversation.

    As men age, their testosterone levels drop, their estrogen levels increase, they lose their sex drive, and they start to want to cuddle...

    As women age, their estrogen levels drop, their testosterone levels rise, and they become "Cougars" looking to have sex...

    Men turn into women and women turn into men starting, usually, in the 40's onward...

    This is BASIC BIOLOGY. This is WELL STUDIED but utterly dismissed by Hippy fúcktards that push the myth that there is absolutely no difference what so ever between men and women, that it's all a matter of cultural influence.

    Scientific American Magizine did a series on this something like, last April... You can still access the articles on and pounded home in the BBC Horizon Documentary

    ✖"Doctor Money & The Boy With No Penis".

    An experiment on nature versus nurture goes tragically wrong.

    Where a Canadian Doctor took a set of twin boys and made one into a girl to prove that all differences in men and women are the result of culture. It was an EPIC failure that resulted in the suicide of both twins in their 30s.

    People raising their children without telling them their gender are doing horrific harm.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    because we have balls, a constant source of hormone and women dont

    also because men are turned on by sight and women not as much, so you

    got guys getting sprung just walking around in the mall, while the women are

    giving him disgusted looks and laughing at his tent because that is not a

    turn on for them

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Which other sex is that then?

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    God made it this way !

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  • vor 9 Jahren

    im not sure why

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