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Claudio fragte in Society & CultureLanguages · vor 9 Jahren

"code locator" What is that ?

First of all: What is it EXACTLY (used in airline/flight context) ?

Is that expression common use or is it part of "specialized" English ?

Thank you for any serious answer

3 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Code locator is highly specialised English.

    The only place I have come across the expression is in telephone directory enquiries (the code locator is the first five digits of a telephone number, it indicates which region of the UK a phone number belongs to).

    In a flight booking number, I would guess the code locator indicates the airline you travel with.

    But this is just an informed guess: I never heard code locator used for airtransport English.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Thx to all answers

    Tried to answer more personally, but was interrupted by a short

    SYNPSIS : I am European and know that GB-system

    Fora disso: Felicitacoens vc falando sue Bom Ingles

    Conheco seu pais BEM (marido de uma Brasilieira ja faz 10 anos)

    Nao esta simples de aprender o Ingles "de verdade" - you did !


    LAURA: My age excludes teens or girls

    I am maried to a wife dor abaout 20 years - one of few persons I DO trust

    After the 7-year edge we had the "Honey, we have to talk"

    Since then: Nevef a doubt on either side

    I AM T H E lucky MAN, somtimes a "lucky hubbie"

    Who minds ?

    To resolve the "knot"

    I suspected it to be a code of the insurance company - in fact it is

    Thx to all of you

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Trust your girl friends but watch out cause teens and girls in general will stab you in the back over stipid stuff

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