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Thats what this video says:
10 Antworten
- vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
Most presidents are put into power by Goldman Sachs. They do not like the ones who are not. I hope that they will not want to risk the backlash from that kind of action.
- scott bLv 7vor 9 Jahren
Sorry. I don't get my news from youtube videos.
But, the answer is....while that could happen, our Secret Service is the best in the WORLD in protecting people. How many right-wing wackos out there do you think want to or have tried to assassinate Barack Obama? More than would want to do it to Ron Paul. And he is still here.
- Anonymvor 9 Jahren
I do not think that public anger will reach such a point that he will be assassinated, and if someone attempts to, there is a low chance he will die, considering the government has tight security and top of the line emergency care; I doubt he will.
- ?Lv 4vor 4 Jahren
Frankly conversing..& to be pragmatic, the electoral gadget is so beholden to the moneybags besides as particular pursuits communities in this united states that (n I hate to assert this) that his probabilities of having elected are particularly a lot nil (similar element about Dems' Mike Gravel) and so your question, IMO, is fairly out of contact with truth (desire u do not concepts my fact).
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- Anonymvor 9 Jahren
Like the saying goes, "if you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup".
Hey weenie dog. You don't know the half of it. We are dangerous. My advice is that you stay your cowardly azz behind your keyboard.
- Anonymvor 9 Jahren
I doubt it. He was a flight surgeon in the USAF for 5 years, most likely he would be well liked by his security detail and they would protect him diligently.
Plus he would not likely make a last minute change in his schedule and get himself shot during a slip-up due to lack of rehearsals, like JFK.
- Annamarie .Lv 7vor 9 Jahren
Every president risks being assassinated.
Whether it happens or not, we'll never know unless it happens.
- vor 9 Jahren
Ron paul is racist to blacks and jews and blAmes america for everyything
Quelle(n): Sarah palien 2012