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Feeling run down and weak of late?

Stomach aches when I eat, chronic headaches, and really weak I also have been on Zoloft 200mg a day for anxiety and haven't taken them for a couple weeks (pill shortage, and appointment timings messed it up) could these be just withdraw symptoms?

3 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You surely could be exp. withdrawal symptoms! Even with the shortage in zoloft try to find a back-up pharmacy and get your meds filled before you run completely out.A "couple of weeks" is enough time to see your Dr. and get a new script! No med can help if you don't assume the responsibility for getting it and taking it. Hope you feel better real soon.

    Quelle(n): ret.Rn
  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Yes all of these can be withdrawal from Sertraline.

    It could also be the symptoms of your anxiety.

    In any case you should consult your GP for a prescription and a full review of your symptoms.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Very possibly so. Try getting more vitamin B in your diet it will help your blood cells and raise your energy levels as well.

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