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Go Kart Tracks in Cairo, Egypt?

Hey, I'm looking for a go-kart track or circuit in Cairo,Egypt. I need some info ASAP. I have already tried googling and yellowpages....and other ideas?

1 Antwort

  • Caesar
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    There are three Go Kart tracks in Sharm el Sheikh,

    Noos Karting : Uses Birel Chassis , Honda engines for rental and IAME engines for professional karting

    Ghibli Raceway: Uses Sodi Chassis , Rotax engines for professional karting

    and a smaller non professional karting track

    There are currently more than 2 tracks under construction in Cairo that i know of (Projects on hold now because the revolution and bad economy , that will use more professional up to date karts )

    Quelle(n): i'm the Sales manager of NOOS karting Sharm el Sheikh.
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