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If USA was a corporation, what business is it in? How does it profit from its foreign policy?

4 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    The US government is similar to the Mafia. Essentially it shakes down the taxpayer and steals their money and then gives it to other countries in which these countries promise to be our friend an in return we protect the country as long as they give us whatever it we want when we ask in the future.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    not a question that can be answered. were America a corporation, we'd be in the business of living our lives as American citizens, like we're doing already. I am getting a little weary of the moronic posts from people who assume that just because they as individuals have some wish not being fulfilled that there is something inherently wrong with America! ever think your problem might be the man in the mirror?!

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    its called the virginia company an it is a banking scheme for the vatican

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    brainwashing, big oil, neo-slavery, cosmetics, fast food, and gas guzzling motor vehicles.

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