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Is there any way to hide the Newsstand on iPhone IOS 5?

I don't want it, have no need for it, but can neither delete it or put it into a folder so it's not on the top

Anyone been able to hide or get rid of it?

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You can hide it inside another folder with the other apps in that folder...that's what I did....cause I don't use it, I found out the free magazine apps....were free but in order to get a magazine from those apps, like even 1 issue I would still have to pay the news stand price....Screw that! I refuse to bother with it too.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Nope, annoying isn't it. I don't use mind either. I've moved all the other ios5 stuff into a folder but like you say this won't budge and there's no settings in the control panel for it either.

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