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Which phrases funny or irritating used your parents while you growing up?

For me it was, our littel Ping Pong comes around. (as child i dident walk normal, i run and jump everytime so my dad call me Ping Pong) or "oh here comes the littel pig-pen" if i make me really dirty during the playing.

If i was in trouble my Mum often says "stop your mouth to buy anger or your bum most pay the price"

Dad say in such Situations, MC you walking over thin ice don't make me to take you back.

2 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Haha littel ping pong is sweet. My dad called me cuddel also in german schmuserchen as "petname" (it is petname right the translater give it as example) becouse i was allways a daddys girl and love to cuddel and hug thame (mum to).

    I cant remeber that my parents has a specific name for me if i wash dirty after playing but all three off us heard sometimes "you are an piglet" similar to your memory.

    If i was naughty and near to earned discipline my dad was direct and "ask" me if i need a spanking or he simply thay that i need one. Mum on the other site use so many phrases that i cant discribe all here.But one i hate mostly was "i would count to three to admister a spanking for you three".

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    "If you don't knock it off I'll beat you with the back of my hand" I always figured that would hurt my moms hand more than it would me, but I never told her that.

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