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ilyf_x fragte in Society & CultureLanguages · vor 10 Jahren

Can anyone help me pronounce this?

It's a German word called Christbaumgeback. I need it for a school project. Thanks!

6 Antworten

  • Dahlia
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    It's properly spelled Christbaumgebäck and pronounced: CHRIST-bowm-geh-back (CHRIST is the stressed syllable)

    christ = yes, rhymes with missed

    bowm = to take a bow, NOT hair bow or David Bowie

    geh = not like "gay", hard G but no AY sound. it's "EH"

    bäck = "back", NOT bake

    Quelle(n): native German
  • vor 10 Jahren

    I took Latin for two years. I'll give you the logical way I'd imagine it's pronounced.

    Creased-bomb-jee-bock. You'll have to pronounce the sounds with a German accent of course. But that would be how you pronounce that.

    Quelle(n): 2 years of Latin.
  • Zeph
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    Here is a link to Google Translate for the word. On the window on the left, click the little speaker. It'll say the word for you.|en|Ch...

  • vor 10 Jahren



    krist (like "missed")

    baum (as in "down" - with an m on the end)

    ge (like "gay")

    bayk (as in "cake").


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  • vor 10 Jahren


  • vor 10 Jahren


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