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Giggagirl fragte in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · vor 10 Jahren

What changes really come along with being a parent?

To start off I'm 23 years old 6 months pregnant with my first child.....i knew without a doubt that I was keeping my child but the life I lead before was a little eccentric as some would say I was a bartender at a very live night club I'm a people person I've never met a stranger... I never did drugs or drank heavily but I was sorta like a nudist I love my body so I would sometime partake in topless photos nothing loud just artful my nipples are pierced and my private area and I have chains connecting the areas but as I advanced in my pregnancy I removed all piercings and now I'm thinking afterwards would it be wrong if I got the piercings back and continued with my free spirit attitude about my body my parents are worried I'm going to raise my child as some kinda freak but really I just don't ever want her to think get body isn't a gift I wouldn't dish this on her as a small child but I wouldn't ever lie to her and now my free spirit ways have a lot of people thinking I wouldn't be fit as a parent I'm that person who believes love has no limits I'm not into sex adventures and orgies tho I have been with women I'm just appreciative of the naked body male or female and I'm very open...the real question would be should I do a 360 for my child or continue as me... So :/

3 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Responsibility is the main thing that comes. You are responsible for a helpless human being (a baby) who will require constant attention and care. You either do that yourself, or arrange for it to be done.

    Consider that you now have a very short leash, and your degrees of freedom are really limited. You now have to take responsibility for your decisions.

    Expect to spend a lot of time alone with your baby. Your free spirit friends are not going to be interested in you, since you cannot suddenly do things.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    you know there are times when you are allowed too tell a child, well when you are an adult and can take full responsibilites for your actions on both a person level and inside the law, you can do that too, but not now

    and explain that people change their mind about things as well, and you understand her side of it as you been young, and had your parents tell you similar things, but also later understood why they said what they did, and you will always try too explain as best you can too her, but some things also need too be learned by experience of life and so on and forth

    you also need too chill on the no stranger thing, you are going too have a child, and this is not something you want too teach him or her, being open and not judgemental sure, but you need too be carefull with strangers, and this is a lesson in safety which is important for the child too know too stay safe

    basic gist there is a middle ground here, it dont have too be either or

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    The infant was obviously too young to have any of the foods served in the restaurant...the couple's first option should have been to try to find a babysitter for the few hours they needed for a would have been much more pleasant for them, much more respectful of other patrons in the restaurant and would have provided their child with more attention while they enjoyed their meal. While it's understandable that the proposition of getting up during the meal to change a dirty diaper is even more unpleasant than dealing with the smell, it's a situation that the parents never should have put themselves or other diners in in the first place.

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