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Why does everyone always get so offended about everything?

someone had complained about being hungry, so i said " go eat a snickers bar fattie!" in a fecicious manner. I looked down at someone and said, "whats up little kid?" he then became very mad at me

I am 6 2 and fat. Is it true that if i AM fat i can make fun of FaT people? being mockatory i mean.

6 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren

    not everyone has the thick skin that you seem to have. sensitive people aren't weak, they're human beings. maybe grow a little compassion? yeah sometimes i make fun of my own race, or something about me that i don't like...and sometimes that's ok....but you have to think about it: you might be ok with being fat, and just being funny about it, but for someone else, it could be a life threatening illness, or a reason for low self esteem, etc. think before you speak.

  • Yeah.
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    Just because your fat and may be comfortable like that, most people aren't.

    Thats like saying "I'm ugly, so I can call ugly people, right?"

    Fat people are still individuals, they don't become part of a club because they're overweight.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    People are WAY too sensitive these days. People you just meet may not understand your sense of humor. If you dont want to look like a jerk, I would save the comments for people who understand you.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Not all people are the same, everyone has different feelings.

    Some people are serious and some aren't.

    So you should think of what you about to say before you say it.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    I get what you mean, but you have to be careful who you do it to.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    maybe it doesn't offend you but you should consider other peoples feelings.

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