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Lv 5
Becky fragte in Cars & TransportationCar MakesToyota · vor 10 Jahren

Why would my 2005 Tundra pull to the right?

I have had the front end aligned. Didn't change a thing. Rotated my tires. Didn't change a thing. (didn't think it would). Correct air pressure all the way around. No weird noises. When you are driving straight down the road you have to keep the wheel pointed at 10-11 o'clock. If you let go it goes right. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to take it to the shop but would like to walk in there with some ideas, so I don't get the run-a-round.


4 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The problem could be in the rear axle. It could also be related to the suspension. There is such a thing as rear wheel alignment, although it is rare for it to cause problems.

    Have you checked your tires for any unusual wear patterns? These can be a good clue to steering issues' causes.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    The road naturally pulls to the right. It isn't that extreme from what it sounds. I have the same issue w my Toyota corolla. New tires, recent alignment, and mine does the same. It pulls to the right at about the same amount. I have been told to check my suspension.

    Quelle(n): Personal experience
  • vor 10 Jahren

    you need to understand how turning and wheels work. getting axels aligned doesnt mean a car will be straight. try the ball joints.

  • Jamie
    Lv 4
    vor 10 Jahren

    My friend had a similar problem to you (although it wasn't a Tundra), and his car pulled to the left. Turned out he'd screwed up his axle. It might not apply to you, but could be something to consider?

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