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J-Spill fragte in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · vor 10 Jahren

Wrote a poem. Shouldn't rhyme, what do you think?

free verse, will not rhyme. wrote it because i had a dream about a beautiful girl who i flirted with and she and i dated. looking back, this never happens for me... so I wrote it down in poem form, what do you think?

(free verse, will not rhyme)


In a world where genius is considered ugly

In a world where happiness is considered dull

In a world where beauty is only skin deep

where do i fit in?

twas me who refused to act dumb

twas me who resused to cut

twas me who refused to judge by looks

why is it that my body tortures me?

I am asked a simple question by a hauntingly beautiful woman

she is as picturesque on the inside as she is the out

asks me a question,

all i can do is turn a deep shade of burgundy

she stares at me with her bewitching hazel eyes,

my tounge turns to lead

I think up a thousand different responses

but all that slips out is "hey"

she appears confused

I turn a shade even more cherry

"are you going to help?"

she asks in a voice sweeter than honey,

smoother than silk

I grow even redder, reaching all the way to above my ears

I attempt to answer, and avoid looking at those hypnotizing eyes

Quickly pushing through the answer,

She gives me a look of....



I can't tell her emotion by any means

when i look at her,

why must i love someone so gorgeous,

when i know she loves not

2 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    This is really excellent! Please keep writing. It never has to just needs to tell a story and you've done that splendidly.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Good pessimistic poem!

    Try to search deep inside yourself

    And you'll find the strength to survive!

    There is a light there, deep inside

    That never cease to exist!

    Search deep and make it shine!

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