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Giggagirl fragte in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · vor 10 Jahren

Im 17 weeks why does my stomach hurt when im upset?

My boyfriend and I havent been seeing eye to eye EVERYDAY I get so upset it makes my stomach hurt... I cry alot as well? Is my baby experiencing my emotions? Is it bothering he/she?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    yes at 12 weeks he/she develops ears and yelling and screaming or anything can upset him or her.....everytime your upset so will baby...get a pregnancy mag and have a read its amazing the things you find in there! goodluck hun

  • mama
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    we use our core muscles when we feel stressed or upset, especially when we cry. Using those muscles while pregnant will cause your stomach to hurt.

    Yes your baby is experiencing what you experience, but thats not a bad thing. It will help you to reassure baby, rub your tummy and tell your baby how you are feeling. It will soothe your baby to listen to you talk, and it will help you too.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    up to a certains age in the womb they do feel what youre feeling; chin up & goodluckk♥

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