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How do I fix a broken door frame?

I really don't want to notify my landlord of this; my bedroom door frame is kind of off the wall, about half way. It's not really noticeable when the door is open, but it won't close all the way anymore. I want to know if there's a cheap way to fix it? :(

2 Antworten

  • deb s
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Without a picture and details it is hard to visualize what you

    Go online and see diagrams of how door frames are assembled. You need to be able to

    see what you need to do..then you will recognize each piece in the process.

    As you take the door frame apart in the reverse order it was put together, you will

    be able to see exactly where the issue is.

    You will need to be careful with this. Do the very lease damage to the wood.

    Take the door off the hinges

    unscrew the hinge plate from the door frame.

    Remove the stops

    you might have to take the casement off from one section to get started with the frame itself.

    Once you find the wood that is damages..get a replacement piece.

    Door frame parts are standard and you can buy the exact thickness at home depot or lowes

    get them to cut the exact length for you (then you don't need to own a saw).

    When you reassemble... use 6 penny finish nails and counter sink them carefully.

    If the frame is painted.. get a match at Lowes and repaint.

  • Dan
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    Yep, call me up and I'll be right over. Thats an easy fix.

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