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How do English native speakers come to term with the bulk of mindless lyrics in songs?

Anyone speaking another language is not faced with that problem very much because English music is dominant. But you have to listen to and understand every song with most of them containing trivial or even annoying lyrics. How do you avoid getting insane?

1 Antwort

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    well, that 's what music is, it doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be right to the writer. and then with the listeners, well you listen to it for the love of music, maybe it has a good beat, or good sounds to it, that's how tons of songs became (and still do ) become famous. for example, the song friday by rebecca black, people say they hate that song becasue its pointless, but the song is catchy and if you ignore what everybody else thinks about the song, you might actually secretly like it.

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