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Language Arts Homework Question?

How are today's words below related to their root meaning? Explain, with example.

Root: ber

Root meaning: carry

Today's words: bear,berth,borne,burden

Any examples would be appreciated.

1 Antwort

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    bear- to hold up and support. Carry weight

    berth- Original sense is preserved in phrase to give (something or someone) wide berth. Meaning "place on a ship to stow chests, room for sailors" is from 1706. So the ship would carry chests but would leave enough space for the sailors to move around freely.

    borne- "He hath borne me on his back a thousand times." "The wheatfields have borne abundantly this year. Judges have always borne a burden of responsibility."

    Carry weight, responsibility, sustain, uphold.

    burden- "Every man shall bear his own burden." Something that is carried; load. Something that is exacting, oppressive, or difficult to bear: the burden of responsibility.

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