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jp fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 10 Jahren

is Obama a good or a bad president?

what he has done what he hasn't done?

11 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Good question.

    Obama is surly a good President and if you ask me why . because he has done everything to help our US. The main problem was When he came in to power he was not able to get the full power.President Bush killed every one around the world. Where he saved millions. he Supported all the people as his own . The problem for him was the republican. We people should think more from his side. Poor chap.. i dont think he will be a president again. But when it comes to a real hero. He has it.

    Quelle(n): Self
  • vor 10 Jahren

    Bad in my opinion.

    What he has done: Taken a vacation almost monthly. Blamed both parties for his inability to get anything done. Created a legal nightmare and incredible uncertainty with the health care debacle. Shown that it is a terrible idea to elect the "feel good" candidate.

    What he hasn't done: Removed our presence from Iraq and Afghanistan. Substantially improved the economy. Brought the two major parties together on the tax topics. God, this could go on forever.

    Just my opinions, everyone has them, you know what they say.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    why bother even asking this obama has f--ked up this country worse than any other president with the exception of hoover during the great depression. ive been tryinhg to get a job for 1.5 years and am unable to find one. for starters he hasnt followed through on anything he promised including the stimulus package that was designed to bring new jobs and restore the economy which is even worse then it was during the bush administration. you would have to be not only very ignorant to think obama was a good president but also rather stupid

  • Dosia
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    Time of 3 years has already been told, i.e America never faced a low like this one, except in 1933 when it was not a super power.The slogan, Yes we can! now seem to mean that

    'yes, America can go down'.

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  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Barack Hussein Obama, A.K.A. Barry Soetoro is the greatest leader any country has ever had in the history of the world. The way he pulled us out of two wars and his awesome skills in catching osama. yeah, obama captured him with his bare hands, also, the way he spends the taxpayers money, on all these great programs and helping create millions of jobs for the american people. unemployment has never been so low before, and the debt, wow.. he's just helped so much in reducing the debt. also, he closed gitmo, great job mr soetoro. job well done. he's also been campaigning his *** off lately for his 2012 election, on taxpayers money, which he'll probably win because acorn will rig it AGAIN. so yeah obama is the greatest thing to ever happen to the United States of America!

    just jokes obama sucks monkey balls

    Quelle(n): me
  • vor 10 Jahren

    Great president.

    In spite of the viscious attacks, he's working hard to put Americans back to work; he's working hard to get quality healthcare to everyone, not just the wealthy, and he's working hard to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    I trust and believe that he has the welfare of Americans always in mind. Plus he's a great role model for persons of color, especially African Americans.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    He's doing the best he can with a shitty situation. I think he is a little below average. This is coming from a republican. Most republicans would tell you he is ruining the country.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Yes, at least he's much better than Bush.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Worst ever.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    it is hard to tell , it looks like a hard job to me , time will tell. i think he is trying if that makes you feel any better?

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