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question that requires your respect for religon before your answer?

for i guess mental reasons or psychological reasons i avoid girls ,my general purpose is for religous reasons, but my fear of interaction has breached to my female relative and a random girl my age in the street asking for directions, throughout the years i have had odd conversations ,watched normal movies with mild sexual scenes ,i've had fantasies and well the internet so society had an effect on me. i am a religous 17 year old so i think it's due to hormones because even eye contact makes huge impact on my emotions and before you answer don't think about your community think about mine since i said religous but without stating my religon and my religon doesn't forbid interaction, it's just preferable for it to be minimal, any reasons in mind? thank you :)

3 Antworten

  • Jody
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Teenage hormones including the desire to talk to -and think about the opposite sex are perfectly natural, God-given, and not sinful.

    Male human beings are at their sexual peak from the teens until about 24, fact.

    Women are at their sexual peak from about 40-45, fact.

    The male penis can become erect from the slightest breeze, natural fact.

    Even Rabbi's, young priests and monks who abstain from sexual relations and/or have never had sex experience erections and ejaculation --even when asleep (wet-dreams) - this is not a sin nor lack of faith.

    To admire the opposite sex is perfectly natural, God-given, and not sinful.

    Lust is a sin. A healthy sex drive, love and admiration are not.

    People consciously avoid things and situations for a variety of reasons but mostly because of fear or shame or heaviness of consequences.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    God gave man women to be happy an not lonely. Try Christian Good luck and spread your wings a little bit. To have lust is not a sin

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    google "forever alone" and "socially awkward penguin". this is you. enjoy life.

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