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I Taking a survey both men and women athiest or Christian and the Muslim point of veiw welcome too. How?

can a marriage work if a woman wont follow reasonable council about showing her love to her husband by 1 having her clothes together in 1 room or allowing her husband to maake love to her ?


I am a bible instructor and Imainly talking about a spiritual point here but I read all kinds of responces and sometimes I am faced with difficult questions to answer ? can I get a perspective on all sides on this?

Update 2:

MAY I also ask for the reason of what u are writing too? if it is from a christian point of veiw state your advice and where it can be found at , I see the usual responces too like in Ephesians 5 but I looking for other council on this subject that is not easily seen ok/ ?

Update 3:

we are living in times of cold heartedness where everything is no longer the norm i get responces form men and women on all types of subjects regarding simple things . I simply asking for a different points of veiws to help in counciling and since times are different what is normal is not the same to everyone!

8 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The woman needs someone she can trust to confide in, to discuss what

    concerns her about intimacy. She will have to feel safe to do this because

    she often really loves and respects her husband at the same time.

    She needs counseling. (Perhaps the husband does also, not sure).

    Women deal in feelings, not that they are irrational ,they aren't irrational,

    but they must be able to talk about feelings. There might have been abuse

    in earlier times, or her own body might be extra sensitive. But she knows

    and it's locked in there until someone gently gets her to unlock it.

    And she won't do that unless the person assures her that everything

    she says is private unless she gives explicit permission.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    Before I answer this question you needed to answer one yourself. What benefit am I trying to glean from this? Is it to promote abuse or to promote working together? Here is my answer.

    A woman is separate from man and yet God gave woman to man as a help meet. What happens when you are abusive to a person? Do they want to help you cause they love you or is it because they fear you? Is fear love? If the woman wants to leave her clothes in every room of the house did you not know this before you got married? If you did why does it bother you now?

    A help meet is someone who helps meet needs. Your help meet has needs too. Are you taking care of your help meets needs too? If you are not then how can she help you if she is worried about her needs? This is Maslow's hierarchy of needs at work. We all have the same needs but we do not pursue them all the same way. Some times it is a matter of communication to find out if the persons needs are being met.

    As far as a husband being able to make love to his wife it is not a right. It is a privilege that is contingent on the feelings of each individual. No sex does not mean anything other then a person's needs are not being met. It does not mean lack of respect or love. It is a fear. It must be communicated between the people what the problem is and with out fear of reprisal.

    Quelle(n): Logic
  • vor 10 Jahren


    Today statistics show that 70- 80% of divorces that take place today are initiated by women. I don't know what men are doing that women are getting so intolerant .

    without reasonable council marriage can't survive and end up in separation of family , with this children are severely damaged mentally .

  • Get it through your head: A woman is NOT a possession. Sex is NOT a right. Just because some religion says it is doesn't make it true. Treat your wife like a human being instead of a slave or a child, and you MIGHT save your marriage - but I doubt it.

    My point of view is as a human being. If you can't see your wife as equal to yourself, then you might as well give up now.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    wow, it particularly is extremely unhappy to me. im a muslim woman and in the adventure that your girlfriends kin is everywhere close to how strict my kin are, then i could say stable success! buttttttt on the different hand I easily have considered it ensue in the past the place a guy converts to islam and marries a muslim woman. you will particularly have a stressful time from the two aspects of your families, yet once you rather love one yet another then you the two will might desire to sacrifice with the intention to be mutually. its lots extra stable for her by way of fact of ways the muslim women folk are appeared at in our international, a muslim females attractiveness is each and every thing to her. you will possibly be able to desire to think of of the thank you to cajole her kin and no one knows her kin extra effective than she does so she might desire to attempt and discuss with them approximately it as quickly as available. i actually wish you 2 the wonderful of success. my coronary heart is going out to you and that i wish i might desire to be sure what happens on your love tale. optimistically a happy ending.

  • John F
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    What o.0?

    A woman is not obligated to follow your rules about her clothing, and only needs to make love with her husband when she wants to as well. "Reasonable council" is not going to force her to do things she doesn't want.

    Quelle(n): ^My blog on religion, ethics and general philosophy. Would love to debate anyone, so feel free to leave comments
  • vor 10 Jahren

    Ask a marriage couselor

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    Anytime a husband thinks that he is superior to his wife and that she should submit to his authority, there is no marriage. There is a contract. Clearly, you don't love your wife and your wife doesn't love you. My opinion anyhow.

    Women are not cattle or chattels. Women deserve the same respect that you want.

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