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Are there any reports of fornicating muslim men being stoned to death?

I like the law of God, but these super-religious muslims seem to be the most perverted woman haters in the world. I like to see reports of men, stoned to death by betraying their wives. Only then I will consider them as righteous before God.

5 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Absolutely. Here are two examples:

    Islamic Execution of Love, Iranian Backed Taliban stone lovers to DEATH in Islamic Fashion:

    In Afghanistan, Rage at Young Lovers

    Your idea of righteousness is perverted beyond belief.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    If that's what it takes for you to consider Muslims righteous, I suspect you will NEVER find them righteous. Muslim men get away with all sorts of stuff all the time. Even in the US the Muslim women are often still pretty well subjugated, although there are some that are not. But Males? NEVER..

    @PeaceWalker - nobody said stoning was in the Quran. They just pointed out the women are stoned for adultery (even if they are raped, in some cases) and men never are. Whether it is in the Quran, a hadith, or just Sharia is irrelevant, it's still normal behavior in Islam.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Ignorance is increasing rapidly. People have started to transform the words of their clerks and old men into the law of God. There is not a single verse about stoning to death in the Holy Quran.

  • vor 10 Jahren


    MARRIED Adulterer and Adulteress must be STONED TO DEATH!

    SINGLE Adulterer and Adulteress must get 80 LASHES

    If any woman is being stoned or getting lashes and not men so why are you painting this LAW with Islam? Watch this video:


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  • vor 10 Jahren

    It's perverse that two people of whatever genders would be stoned for an act that harms no one intrinsically, and in response they get stoned which does intrinsically harm people.

    In god, all evils are permissible.

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