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How do girls feel when approaced by guys?

The reason why i ask is, is because whenever my friends hit on other girls, their motivation is to get the girls number and sleep with her. Me personally, have more respect towards women. I typically dont talk to a girl that im interested in because it wouldnt be my time and effort to try to talk someone into likeing me if I never had interest in them in the first place. However, being said, i dont get how when I approach a girl politely and start conversation and end conversation, it just doesn't srick. She gives me her number and i text her but she doesnt text back. Or i end thr conversation by never giving out my number and just hope Id see her again if it were meant to be. I guess i have a classy approach to meeting women. Yet, my other guy friends who spend every other night getting girls left amd right with little to mo makes me wander if girls are just more into that typr of approach by guys. Is that true? If so, i dont understNd so help me.

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Hello There. :)

    I think that the way one is approached makes a difference, and it's also the type of girl being approached. Your friends may be getting a lot of "game" and sleeping with girls left and right, however they are not getting girls with substance or class. They are getting the kinds of girls who are willing to sell their dignity.

    If you stay with the classy and gentlemanly approach, you WILL be getting less "game" but when you DO pull in some girls and have them calling you back, you know that they'll have more substance because they didn't jump into bed with you after one smile. Your friends may be getting more girls, but you'll be getting more ladies. :)



    P.S. I wasn't totally sure about your question but if you have something else to ask, feel free to send me a message.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    If you don't approach girls you will never know if it's meant to be. If it is you and her will know and you wont have to waist your time with the girls that wont text you back cause that's just being rude. Good luck I hope you meet that lucky lady.

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