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what does scripture actually say about the Millenium found in Revelation chap 20 1-5?

it talks about the devil being bound or chained for 1,000 years but this is prophetic language is it not?/ no literal chains can bind a powerful angel can it?

what scriptures can u give that support what u are saying ?


hasse --joe -your close but you have not given scriptural evidences why? if u testify to the truth u need to give Evidence to what u believe!

3 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Excellent question. read along with your bible so i dont have to quote the whole scripture, it will make my comment look even longer than it is and then you might not want to read all that lol.

    revelation 20:1, 2, Who's that angel? Well he has to have tremendous power in order to do away with the devil, God's archenemy. Having the 'key to the abyss and chains' could refer to no one with such power and authority as the glorified Christ Jesus (revelation 9:11, romans 10:6, 7, revelation 1:18) Knowing that Christ Jesus and satan are both spiritual creatures, we can conclude this is a spiritual war or situation going on, it's still literal though. This reminds us of the battle that they had when the archangel Michael, or Jesus kicked satan and the demons out of the heavens (revelation 12:9-12) We know that Jesus and satan are the two involved in this good(God's will) VS. evil battle because it was prophesied in genesis 3:15.

    Revelation 20:3 says that he will be hurled in to abyss that will be shut n sealed over him so that he won't be able to escape and cause the nations to be deceived or mislead. It says he will be bound for 1000 years.The descriptive/graphic details of the prophecy were made in a way to help us 2 understand, we're physical people that relate to physical, visible things, in a battle with spiritual creatures God wisely inspired the apostle john to write of the account in a way we could comprehend. would we rather him say, Jesus bombed the angel? no because we know that a bomb can't affect a spirit creature, but the chains an the abyss from one higher spirit creature, imposed on another helps us to understand the seriousness of the matter and the greater power of Jesus over the devil.

    During this 1000 years, it's reasonable to believe that the demons will also be locked away with their leader satan, but what about us?

    Well this millennial rule is after the great tribulation and after Armageddon. God says there will be survivors of Armageddon, he doesn't specify the # but says there will be a great crowd of all the tongues and nations (revelation 7:9, 14) These ones are obviously the meek ones who will inherit the earth because the wicked would have been destroyed in Armageddon (psalm 37:11, proverbs 2:22, Daniel 2:44)

    revelation 20:4 who will sit on the thrones and rule with Jesus in heaven? They are the 'holy ones' who will rule God's kingdom along with the one who is like a 'son of man' as explained in daniel 7:13, 14, 18. Among them is the apostle paul and other faithful Christians of the Bible (1 corinthians 6:2, 3). As said in the text, they will rule for 1000 years.

    You ask if the 1000 years or literal or symbolic? well sometimes the # 1000 in the bible can simply represent a large number as the case in 1 samuel 21:11 where it said david killed tens of thousands of people which is not likely single-handedly, but in revelation 20:3-5, the 'thousand years' expression is repeated 3 times! (a total of 6 times in the whole chapter) Paul called this time 'a day' of judgement in Acts 17:31. And given that Peter tells us that a day with God is like 1000 years (2 peter 3:8), it's appropriate that this judgement day is 1000 literal years/the millennial reign of Jesus and his co-rulers, and the time satan and demons will be locked away in the abyss.

    So during the millennial reign of Jesus and his co-rulers, Satan and the demons will be locked away in the abyss so as not to mislead anyone, people will be resurrected (john 5:28, 29) all will be united solely under God's kingdom (daniel 2:44, matthew 6:9, 10) and over the time humans will gradually be elevated to perfection, restore the earth to perfection, and eliminate all problems and suffering (job 33:25, 1 john 3:8) when that time period is completed, the devil will be released to tempt or try 2 get everyone to disobey God (revelation 20:7, 8) All will be perfect and will truly be able to respond like Jesus and submit to God's authority, or Adam and Eve who disobeyed their heavenly father despite all that he had done for them. There will be some who ffall or do wrong, the Bible doesn't specify but says these will be like the grains of the sea (revelation 20:8b). after that, genesis 3:15 will be fulfilled completely and all those who sinned and the devil and his demons will be destroyed, the bible symbolizes their destruction as being thrown into the lake of fire (revelation 21:10) then death will be more and all wickedness and suffering will be no more (revelation 21:4, 1 corinthians 15:26, isaiah 25:8)

    So what happens next? 1 corinthians 15:27, 28 says that Jesus will return the kingdom back to his father so that the Most high will be all things to all people. (1 corinthians 11:3)

    whew! that was alot right? hope u understand it and hope it makes sense for you! :)

  • vor 10 Jahren

    There are many events depicted in scripture, and there are 1000 years between two of them. It is my understanding that the first event is the 'Second coming of YAHUSHUA' at which time the dead in Messiah rise, and the living are translated, and all the wicked living are killed, And that the second event is the resurrection of the wicked, prior to their destruction in the lake of fire that purifies the earth so YAHUSHUA can make all things new and very good. There is no one 'proof text' but this time line seems to fit much scripture. Thus Satan is 'bound' in that there are no people alive to tempt. Other people understand things differently, and I can discuss some of them.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    its only a story,..

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