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What would you know if someone like a spiritual leader is actually tellling u the truth?

HOW DO u determine personally speaking just what is the truth and what is a counterfeit if the 2 are so similar?


yes Well now is the bible or is not the bible of no private interpretation? CAN anyone know what the bile actually says if u search for it reasonably without coming into it with preconceived opinions? Are their bible related examples then of how we as Gods children should study to see if what we be told is the Truth?

Update 2:

Hope of Kingdom , I not asking this question for my benefit, I asking questions to instill in minds their is more to what is stated if u look deeper and that goes for all.. do not assume u know just because u read it . The bible is like treasure the majority of treasure is found only by diligently searching for it and 98% of the times it is barely recognizable to the regular eye for it often appears differntly then when sen polished,, the same goes for bible truths so many times we do not set what we see in a proper setting making it unnoticeable to us unless another can show it in a clearer light. //

I agree with what the Bereans did and it was most admirable too for what the Apostle paul was teaching was to be found directly in the scriptures they had already.. No new doctrine had be en added just knowledge re-inforced and brought to a clearer understanding,, .. many times traditions took its toll then and even more so today it is held in high esteem rather than on a thus

Update 3:

thus or this says the bible both in the old and new testament passages it can be made clear.

7 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The Bereans were commended for checking out the Apostle Paul's words in the book of Acts. This is where the Truth is. But as you say no Scripture is to be of private interpretation so you compare Scripture with Scripture.

    Oftentimes either the Lord Jesus or the apostles used Scriptures in the Old Testament and showed us another facet of that truth or an outworking of it. Check your marginal references especially in the KJV of the Bible as you can find where these passages occur. An on-line Bible Concordance like Strong's (or Young's) will show you these connections if you click on 'verse' and the 'C' button which is on the left of the text and is the concordance.

    Always compare Scripture with Scripture and listen for those 'echoes' as you read and study. The more you study the better it gets. Like everything else the more do read, not all at the same time, the more you see what you had never understood before. Because we think we know what a verse means but later we realise there is a greater dimension to it.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    "What would you know if someone like a spiritual leader is actually tellling u the truth?"

    Because their mouth would be shut.

    "HOW DO u determine personally speaking just what is the truth and what is a counterfeit if the 2 are so similar?"

    I find no similarities between truth and non truth.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Read the word of God. , Pray , and etc. If you are doubting what a spiritual leader said look for others views to what he said. if you get the same reaction from everyone then maybe the spiritual leader said what they said mistakenly or something. but the best way to get your answers is to read the word and pray

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    if they are a spiritual leader, at least some people thing they have some answers or spirituality, the best ones are humble about it, i kind of go by feel i guess

    and if it makes good sense to me.

    most of them ARE telling the truth, at least as they see it, their truths and yours might not be exactly the same, if from different cultures and experience, that shoudl not prevent working together when its all mostly good

    Quelle(n): opinion
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  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    By going to the bible. It is the only thing we can be sure is truth. Jesus Christ said: “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.”—Matthew 7:7.

  • Hunter
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    They are all usually corrupt and are using words to fulfill their own goals

    Quelle(n): No one can understand something so compleX so I don't try
  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I compare what they are saying to what God, has stated in the Bible.

    Quelle(n): KJV Bible
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