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Creationists can you please explain to me?

exactly how your answer gets posted to Y/A?

I mean in total detail, from you pressing buttons, to the answer appearing in a form that I can read.

If you can not explain this to me in detail, does that make the 'theory' that the box you are typing on is inhabited by pixies, and they carry the messages around, true?

If it does not, then why do so many of you think that a lack of a natural explanation of the origin of the universe is justification for claiming that your version of a deity is real?


Oh, I am a computer engineer, with a BSc is electronic engineering. Whatever level of detail you go down to I will understand it, and know if you are making it up.

So, as detailed as you can guys.

Update 2:

Yes, it is a lot of typing. I can only assume that No Chance has not answered yet because he is busy giving a full and detailed answer.

I hope no one was drinking something when they read that. LOL

16 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I really don't understand the point of this question, your comparison does not make a lot of sense. Creationists are many things, but for some reason computer science does not phase them, I'm sure they are well aware how computers work.

    Just pointing that out, carry on.

  • neil
    Lv 4
    vor 10 Jahren

    Just to be absolutely clear here, are you trying to imply that no-one knows in detail how an answer gets from me to y!A-or from them?

    Because otherwise your analogy breaks down at the point when you acknowledge that no-one knows how the universe came into existence. And it isn't just the universe, but the factors which make up the universe-i.e. matter, energy, space and time. How did they come into existence? See, the basic problem here is that no-one CAN know, because we cannot get any data from a state where none of these factors exist. What would that data be? Can you answer that-in detail?

  • vor 10 Jahren

    When you move and click the mouse, the browser detects the onclick event and submits the data to the server. This is accomplished by means of having a hardware interrupt from the mouse controller when the mouse is clicked, which in turn activates a handler that makes a system call to notify the browser of the input. The browser then performs whatever operations it is supposed to perform based on the data it has loaded for that page and then makes some more system calls to send data packets with a certain address out along the computer's ethernet connection. These packets are detected and relayed by a series of network nodes called 'routers' and eventually, due to the direction of these routers, reach a server where they cause a hardware interrupt in the server, activating another handler and system call that causes the information about the answer to be logged in a database before the server then sends back more packets representing the data for the new page to be delivered to the user. It is worth noting that not all packets going from a given source to a given destination necessarily follow the same route, nor do the packets making the reverse journey follow the reverse route; the routers may choose to use different routes to send the packets based on the traffic they are dealing with at that time. This is all implemented on a physical substrate. Each host and each router contains a large number of boolean NAND gates, that is, small patterns of wires made of silicon materials which are designed so that they output a low voltage if and only if both incoming voltages are high, otherwise they output a high voltage. By arranging these gates correctly and setting up certain ones such that their own output voltages can determine their input voltages, and controlling some of the inputs using a clock device that sends out waves of different voltages in a regular timed pattern, the electrical states of these gates can be preserved, accessed and changed dynamically at certain times, in such a way that they can perform computationally universal behavior. Each device filled with these gates is connected to other devices using metal wires carrying moving electrons, glass fibers carrying moving light photons, or wirelessly using broadcast radio-frequency photons. All of these techniques are based on the electromagnetic force, with photons representing very small oscillating electrical and magnetic fields oriented at right angles to each other. On an even smaller scale, the photons and electrons are made of tiny 'strings' (not to be confused with strings in programming, which are typically null-terminated arrays of 8-bit ASCII characters and are used a lot in the aforementioned host and router software) which vibrate in 11 dimensions simultaneously. This vibration occurs at any of several quantized frequencies, which are in turn determined by the recursion rates of certain patterns produced by Rule 110, a 1-dimensional, 2-state, 3-neighbor, non-totalistic cellular automaton. This cellular automaton is implemented in rows of rocks being set down by an extradimensional copy of Randall Munroe living in a gigantic endless desert. This was all set up by your sovereign god, Haruhi Suzumiya, in order to keep things from being too boring. Repent now and start doing something amusing, heathen.

    Note: All of the above is from memory. I did not look anything up online in the process of writing this answer.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    I feel a sudden urge to actually explain how it all works but I feel I shouldn't spoil the moment... Plus that would be a lot of typing.

    EDIT: I also have a B.S in Computer Science so I know what you mean. Though thankfully I wasn't drinking when you made your other comment so my computer monitor was spared.

    Can't say the same for my ribs though, they hurt from laughing now.

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  • vor 10 Jahren

    I don't believe that "a lack of a natural explanation of the origin of the universe" is justification for my beliefs. At least to where it gives me rights to push my beliefs or ascert that my beliefs are facts. I don't recall ever claiming that God exists as a fact nor that any atheist needs to believe. I don't care if they believe. I just wish they would stop forcing their non-belief on me.

    edit: I'd love someone to show where I've ever pushed my beliefs on others. Oh wait, you won't find any evidence. That's because I don't push my beliefs.

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    I can tell you this - that someone who was extremely intelligent and knew how to design a system that could respond to various electronic signals and transmit the desired data on command, was behind it all.

    Would it make more sense to say that an explosion took place in a junk yard and that over time this computer just came together by random forces. Seems to me that you're asking for the opposite of what you're looking for.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Really poor logic. Sorry.

    The internet is a tangible thing. Whether or not we know all the details about how it operates is irrelevant. Evolution is a scientific conclusion based mostly on a lot of hypothesizing. No one would dare say otherwise.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    What about the penguin that lives in my refrigerator that shuts off the light when I close the door?

    Quelle(n): Pantheist - B.A. in Anthropology
  • vor 10 Jahren

    Like the atheists who are answering, I'm not going to bother.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    You're asking a Creationist to think for themselves and come up with an original answer that hasn't already been written down for them to cut and paste? I hope you see how foolish you're being, now.

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