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when a person comes to trial who must be present in order for the judgment to take place?

consider this too in a christian setting who and what must take place in order for the judgment of a being takes place? Scriptural verses and reasoning that can be applied are?/

3 Antworten

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    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Matthew 18:15-20 "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican". (KJV)

    If it involves a church you would want to get ahold of their "Constitution and Bylaws" for the proper procedures. For example, in the C & B of the AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the following is offered to answer your question...

    Concerning private offenses


    No complaint or information, on the subject of personal and private injuries, shall be admitted, unless those means of reconciliation and of privately reclaiming the offender have been used, which are required by Christ, Matthew 18: 15-16. And in cases of offenses, which, though not personal, are private, that is, known only to one, or a very few, it is proper to take the same steps, as far as circumstances admit.

    CHAPTER 4, Acutal Process

    SECTION I: When all other means of removing an offense have failed, the judicatory to which cognizance of it properly belongs shall judicially take it into consideration.

    SECTION V : When a judicatory enters on the consideration of a crime or crimes alleged, no more shall be done at the first meeting, unless by consent of parties, than to give the accused a copy of each charge, with the names of the witnesses to support it, and to cite all concerned to appear at the next meeting of the judicatory, to have the matter fully heard and decided. Notice shall be given to the parties concerned, at least ten days previously to the meeting of the judicatory.

    SECTION VI : The citations shall be issued and signed by the moderator or clerk, by order, and in the name of the judicatory. He shall also furnish citations for such witnesses as the accused shall nominate to appear on his behalf.

    SECTION VII : Although it is required that the accused be informed of the names of all the witnesses who are to be adduced against him, at least ten days before the time of the trial (unless he consent to waive the right and proceed immediately), it is not necessary that he, on his part, give a similar notice to the judicatory of all the witnesses intended to be adduced by him for his exculpation.

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    vor 10 Jahren

    Charlie Sheen

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    vor 10 Jahren

    The judgement is in.....your question is incoherent.

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